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I wanted to make a small update on what is going on, how is going on, what what is going to go on :3

New Patreon build is coming VERY SOON. Currently writing changelists and building the final build. Hopefully today (not late!), but tomorrow latest (well, a bit late, but technically not late if it's 30th anywhere on the Earth!). I'm trying to get it out before the month changes, so that your pledges won't go haywire ^^'

This build is r5.22 (I called it accidentally as r4.22 in the Character Creator preview build, oops!) and marks end of r4 (hooray!) and coming of r5 (whooray?).

Steam Early Access release is most likely coming early December, we still have to set few things up for it, send Steam codes ( Read more here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/steam-guide-and-22354445 ), and prepare in in general advance (send press releases, etc). 

We sadly can't request "non-store" codes en masse, so we can't give access to builds on Steam before the game itself release, so you'll have to wait on the Steam. I'm sorry :'<

New Public build is coming at the end of this year, most likely, or early January. As there's currently no point releasing an older build, because the Patreon build is, because of the upcoming r5.22, crazily ahead, so we'll be making and releasing a "demo" version basically. It has more content than the current Public build, but not up to the same level in content as the Patreon / Steam build.

And then we'll update that Demo build later on, basically continuing the same trend, except now we're jumping ahead because it would be... unfair... to have a build without sounds, fixes, etc, piling up in public.

Release 5 is our new milestone and mechanics/features wise focused on inventory systems, prey processing, crew mechanics and personalities, game saving, and so forth. While content wise I'm sure we'll see a few races there, subspecies, second island (might just be a "teleport to island B" for now, and actual sailing later on), and possibly some different kind of hunting tools ^^

??? if all goes well, there might be something extra before the end of this year, but no promises yet, because when it comes to game development, you might end up fixing bugs for two weeks instead of making new things for two weeks ^^

Best regards and all the rufflest luvs, 





Are there going to be more male characters?


I can’t wait to see the new update! I’m sure it’ll be jam-packed with amazing new content. :3


I know ya guys already said , but a still eagerly waiting upon it .... when are ya guys going to add thiccc-er /chubbier / curvier bigger kinda character :3 ?


We did? Besides the slider currently in, we can't make much thicker characters ^^'


Thanks for the update! Just curious how do you plan to implement the Hunter or Hunted milestone stuff?


There are currently just rough ideas floating around; As we don't want to have non-con stuff, there would be various combat elements in some islands OR out in the sea, and those would result with player having an option to submit/yield if they lose and use sex to evade penalty or capture ^^