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Since I'm not always able to promptly respond to private messages, I'm providing a method here for everyone to immediately access the comics after making a donation.

First, you need to download the Patreon app. After logging in, click on the position of the red circle in Image 1 to go to the Chat page. And we come to Image 2.

There are two chat group for sharing the contents, one is for comics and one is for videos. Enter them and check the chat history, and you can see the links.

 If you can't see these chats after you join the member, you can exit the app, close the process, and then reopen it. Usually, this will refresh the content. If it still doesn't work, you can log out of your account and log back in. Then you should be able to see it.

If it's not convenient to use the mobile app, you can still send me a private message to get the link. I will reply immediately upon seeing it, trying my best to let everyone see it as soon as possible.

I'm very sorry for using such an inconvenient method to distribute content. Upholding rights is challenging, and I hope you can understand. Thank you very much.

Thank you!!









