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Hello everyone, I would like to specifically write an article to explain why the link to my new work has not been updated in the Welcome Note. I have always deeply detested piracy websites, and currently, some of these sites can quickly copy the content of my posts soon after I publish them. Therefore, I have always avoided directly posting the content of my works in my posts. Previously, using the welcome note helped me avoid this issue, but now they are even targeting the welcome note, so I have no choice but to temporarily stop using it.

I can send private messages to new supporters every day, but this still leads to a delay for new supporters in accessing the content. I understand that everyone expects to receive the comics immediately after their sponsorship, and this dilemma troubles me deeply. However, I cannot reconcile with the idea of my comics being stolen and published on piracy websites just a few hours after release. I sincerely hope for everyone's understanding and will strive to find a better solution as soon as possible during this period.

Thank you so much for understanding! Just send message to me and I'll reply as soon as possible!

大家好,我想专门发一个文章来解释一下为什么新作链接没有更新到Welcome Note中,我一直对盗版网站深恶痛绝,而目前有些盗版网站可以在我发布内容之后很快就把文章的内容复制到他们那里,所以我一直避免直接在我的文章中中直接发作品的内容,之前使用welcome note可以规避这个问题,但是现在他们就连welcome note都不放过了,所以我只能暂时停用welcome note.




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