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I've wanted to do something like that for a long time. After all, modern technology does not stand still, and this time you and I managed to get to a closed exhibition of the latest technology, where we were able to watch from behind a glass as the latest developments are tested!

I wonder how long this kitten has been on the test bench? His body is shaking and twitching...



ben4321 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:14:00 even with the ring, Clitties shouldn't roam free!>:P
2021-02-28 21:28:54 even with the ring, Clitties shouldn't roam free!>:P

even with the ring, Clitties shouldn't roam free!>:P


In some ways, it may even be an even more subtle challenge. Imagine that you are aware that the cage is not on, but that you can' t do anything to take proper advantage of it. And when it's over, the cage will be put back on, without ever achieving release... Damn, that's really harsh! ;-)