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The silly boy seemed to have upset Alice very much with his action. This once again leads us to the idea that if you want something done well, you should do it yourself, not outsource it to silly boys... Also, apparently, the kitten's brains keep melting away, even though he's already disconnected from all devices. Is there any way to stop this process? And, if there is such a way, is anyone going to use it?!...


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I see that Ubuntu color scheme

Joshua Booth

I see that Alice, though she might be a bitch, cares to a degree. The question is does she care about Ginger the person or Ginger the test subject. The former makes me hope that she finds Ginger and helps him. The latter however makes me hope Ginger can escape the city ASAP.


Apparently, this is the only way to avoid a sudden update and reboot =D