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I was doing a fun writing project last year, and quite a few people were able to follow along for the crazy ride I was trying to create within the Case Files for Anomaly Acquisitions. It was so much fun, but after taking a break, and then getting sick, and then it just having been such a long time catching up on work and life since the last secret edit, it's just feeling like it's a bit late for more fun on those files so I'll be letting go of that project for now. I will be editing one last file, The Beacon, and then leaving the rest with their current edits to maintain the original timeline and story of AA intact for those readers new and old who wanted them.

Thank you so much to everyone who listened to and enjoyed AA, and who were so supportive and excited for the Case Files and for my silly side projects I try here and there. It's so cool that I get to do this stuff every day for you all, and ultimately for myself. I can't put into words how incredible it is. 💕



Thank you so much for doing this in the first place Eli. It was so much fun reading them, talking about it on the server with everybody, and seeing how more information just changed and expanded upon things. You’ve created something truly amazing 😄


Your creativity is boundless 😁🥰 It was so fun seeing everything you did with AA and the Case Files - I'm happy I was around to see the chaos! Thank you for making these stories, Eli 💛🥰


The files were so much fun, thanks for all the lore bud(p.s. If you’re ever looking for someone to share secrets and fun facts in the future a certain theory crafter is available)🖤


Endless appreciation for sharing more and expanding on AA with us, it was a treat. X.