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Moshet helps Nelo and yourself out of the Reaper, casting a glance inwards at Seri. You can't read his face, but for the first time since you met him there is no crooked smile plastered across it. He doesn't let go of your hands, instead leading you and Nelo across the wooden pier and up onto the deck of his ship. A small barrel is set out with a plank across it and covered in a pink crocheted runner from end to end. Moshet nods to a few rickety chairs, two of which are occupied by Kheen and Mikal. 

"So... my friends... As I've told you many times by now I'm sure, while you are with us you are one of us. And as one of us, I would hope you'd be open to sharing your story with us. Clearly, it is quite... interesting. Russell?" The enormous man that was only half an hour ago tossing about the City Guard, climbs the steps from below deck wearing a flowery apron and carrying a tray of dishes and drinks.

"I always felt a good story went well with some dinner, hmm? Now, tell me... who are you... really?"


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