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The heavy air of the swamp clings to your skin and clothes, and seeps into your lungs. Mehtet holds his hand out, cautioning you to stop. Seri grips you tightly, eyes never stopping as they glance about for something, anything. Nelo clenches and unclenches his hands in rhythm, ready for a fight. 

You've been through this corner of the forest, yet this place feels so unfamiliar and alien. The tension hanging in the murky air makes every leaf feel wrong. Out of place. A trap.

Mehtet waves, and you march forward once more, further into the swamp, further into the unknown.



Eli... What the fuck? Side note the part with Seri was super sweet and it made me happy we got to spend some one-on-one time with them :D


Elliiii!!!!! This was so good but I am angry at you for making me cry.....AGAIN!!!!! I loved learning more about the mother and what actually happened and the sex scene was beautiful! Also "the tension hanging in the murky air makes every leaf feel wrong. Out of place. A trap" god!!! Have I mentioned I love your writing?!?!?? But the ending?!?!!? Why why whyyyyyyy!!!! I literally threw my phone and was screaming NOOOOOO and started crying!!!!! I need it to be silly butt Friday again Idk how I'm gonna wait for the next episode!!!! Also the sfx were so well done as always! Man oh mannnnn!!!!!! Why Eli whyyyyyyy 😭 incredible job as always tho it's truly amazing how talented you are! Your ability to not only tell but create such amazing stories! I kinda feel like theres even more you could be doing like maybe writing scripts for tv shows or games idk but you're super talented and I see you reaching some amazing places!!! You're the best dood 🖤


Welp… ik I always call you or the audio cool but like you really are bc omg the SFX! T H E W R I T I N G 😳 and as always your performance were all excellent. It’s incredibly admirable to listen to your work with my expectations exceeded every single time with an entirely new heart ache and so many other emotions. *running to my panic room* clutching a teddy bear* whimpering* trembling* as I wait for the next episode. Thank you x


Geeezooo, the goosebumps I got from that, I'm dying for the next episode and where it goes 😭


After all the time with Nelo, it's only fair Seri gets some alone time with Kalu 😁💕


Jaciiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry! There's no need to cry!!! There's still so much more to hear and read! And I'm so glad you enjoy the writing portions! I really do enjoy writing, for the descriptions, and the Case Files, and all kinds of other stuff. It's fun, and allows me to explore these stories and characters more broadly and in a different medium. You're just too sweet though! Always pushing me to be bigger and better. Thank you so much 🥰💕💕


Awwww... CArrie!!! You're so sweet... I'm so happy to know that you enjoy my audios so much, and get so invested! I really love creating and sharing these stories and these characters with you, and it makes my day knowing you appreciate and engage with them so much 🥰💕