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Talking about my week, my work, and stuff (all over some lively beats you'd definitely hear in that new Wes Anderson movie where you're the estranged bartender come to reclaim your rightful place at the tap after a long and drawn out drink making "battle" sequence full of flashback scenes, that have different screen space ratios of course, cuz I'm a slut for some lively beats you'd definitely hear in that new Wes Anderson movie where you're the estranged bartender come to reclaim your rightful place at the tap after a long and drawn out drink making "battle" sequence full of flashback scenes, that have different screen space ratios of course).



Ajdhdusjsbhsjajsbshsjanabgsuabsgsgshabsvaghsbsbsgsfsfxfxyuxieowiwjwbwbs ……. U MAKE ME NERVOUS ABT EARTHBLOOD. o m f g can’t wait ahahah 🙂


- YAY i love the rambles. thank youuuuu - v good autumn troll <3 - i am so sad I have plans tomorrow night and am going to miss the end of bone. I mean, i'm going to see "into the woods" so i'll be having fun. but i'm still sad! i love reading night and have been looking forward to it every other week since i joined the patreon - we appreciate you keeping up on deadlines, yes, but most of all we want you to take care of yourself. so THANK YOU for pushing Earth Blood back, and don't you dare feel weird or bad about it. and a dirty little surprise ... ? great, i already can't wait for friday ^_^ - it is a little weird when you talk about yourself in the third person - byyyyyyyye


I do believe that you taking the time to say "this isn't 100%" and delaying is much better than you putting out sub par work. That, good sir, is why we stay. For the quality 👌


So proud of you and all the work, all the love and care you put into everything you create, Eli 🥰 I am sending a barrel of peanut butter your way 💕💕


I love these rambles. ☺️ It feels like we’re friends. Or at least, friendly.


Aww I'm glad you like them! I love to talk, so there's always gonna be more 😂