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Talking about the week and what I'm up to (all over some slowly building beats that may hint that this audio was leading up to something awesome and special and/or hinting that the ramble was going to go on much longer than necessary like last weeks but ultimately just carrying the energy forward to propel you through this simple ramble, cuz I'm a slut for some slowly building beats that may hint that this audio was leading up to something awesome and special and/or hinting that the ramble was going to go on much longer than necessary like last weeks but ultimately just carrying the energy forward to propel you through this simple ramble).



Crazy, I watched Jurassic Park last night!! The classic never gets old and it’s one of the few movies that I don’t fast forward through.


I haven't seen it in so long, but I do know that I liked it a lot growing up, and I'll never stop loving Jeff Goldblum so...


Monday was your name day? Please say more 💖


Haha well I was raised Greek Orthodox Christian (gave it up when I was like 8 or 9) but in that culture they have special days to remember certain saints and stuff. June 20th is the day of Saint Elias. To child me it was like having an extra birthday which was awesome! Adult me realizes it was just weird. Very weird. 😁


All my best friends are Catholic so that’s not so “out there” for me. I was raised in a pretty conservative (Protestant) household and as a professional choral musician I still work in churches. But I’m more of a cat-holic now 😻😻😻


cat-holic. That's adorable 😂 I suppose with the three cats I've had, and all the stray cats I used to love as a kid, I've been a lifelong cat-holic as well!


It’s the best religion obvi 😻😻😻