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Your team is being split up. Blue is forced to spend more and more time at the Facility to help keep things running, and work on rebuilding. The Demon disappeared one day, but left a note saying he was off to visit someone special. And now, Andoni, Dain, and Henry are going to be splitting up as well, each off to work on some new task for the organization.

This is your last field mission together... Hopefully, you'll find a way to make it last...





Oh my gosh 💚💚 I'm so going to miss these boys. And the banter you always do between characters is pure perfection as always! This was so good! Thank you for another amazing audio 💚


They're truly one of a kind. But there will always be new stories and new characters to grow to love, and I can't wait to share them with you! 🥰💕