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The Lady stands before you, a grotesque mass of tangled flesh, limbs adorned with slimy appendages and protrusions. It's face is beautiful, but haunting, and in its eyes you see nothing but hunger. The band of Colors, once nearly identical in their padded armor and uniforms, now writhe and twist before your eyes, their bodies seemingly unable to hold a form. Blue hangs limply in Red's arms, the two of them seemingly the only ones left unchanged.

Their rifles suddenly spring to life, a blazing hail of steel flying your way. 

"Blue!!!" Henry screams, returning fire, his wings flapping suddenly as he prepares to rush forward.

"Get back!!!" The Shapeshifter cries out, flames spewing from his hands to try and shield you and Andoni from gunfire. 

Time seems to slow around you, as determination becomes fear, and your mind races towards a decision...