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Hello Guardians+,

The main post is this one.

Here are your SFXs !

Thank you




Rob Leonard

The robot walking one is really nice for anything huge walking around nearby. I appreciate that it's in the distance a little bit and not right up on you. Some feedback on the 2 weapons SFX: Both sound like they're used in a fairly small room. While this is probably OK for the hand cannon SFX, it seems really out of place for the ballista...which also sounds like your right next to it. I suppose it could work if you're the one operating it, but IMO it should be a little further away and with an "outdoors" feel. That could be used as either the PCs are helping to defend and there's a ballista nearby, or they're attacking and one is about to be fired at them. Anyway, just some feedback. Cheers Michael! :)


Thank you very much for the feedback. I really appreciate it and I won't forget for the next creations. Maybe I could export new versions if I have time.