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My name is Ulysses.

There are two great powers within the royal capital Miladrid: The Royal Palace and the Church.

Centred within the ancient sanctuary of Vabilophos is a region under the dominion of the Church of Vabel. Surrounding that area are many national magical research institutes.

The Royal Palace had been mandated to protect Vabel for quite a long time now.

Though it is designated as a country, the region called ‘Vabel’ was not that large. It is similar to the existence of the Vatican City back on Earth.

People from the religious nation Vabel do not involve themselves in politics. However, not even the Royal Capital can declare itself above them.

“Oh my, it’s Your Highness, have you come here to amuse yourself again?”

“Hello, Bishop Delgusta. I have to do something tiresome today, so I want to come here first.”

The Bishop [2] had always welcomed me whenever I came to this church. [1] Bishop Delgusta himself was a renowned man of the cloth and usually wears a small square cap (to hide his baldness) on his head.

I enjoy reading all the research material collected by Vabel.

[1] Alongside general religious books are detailed research books about the long history of the religion as well archaeological relics to support the history. However, I’m fairly sure that beyond the public records is a hidden dark history kept in the deepest part of this church, behind a literal ‘black door’ in fact.

That’s right, there’s an actual black door that was never opened in this place. [2] This piqued my interest, of course, and I tried looking into it but a kind of fear held me back. I had a feeling that I really should not investigate further.

I’m afraid this Vabel religion has a really huge secret behind it.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~

“Ulysses~ Ulysseeeees!!!”

Each time I visit the church, a girl would always come to see me.

She’s a slim and delicate-looking girl about two years younger than me [2] with shoulder-length olive-green hair and large emerald eyes.

Her name was Percelis.


“Yes, yes,”

She is shouting my name from the entrance of the reference room. [2] This cute attitude of hers reminded me of a younger sister I once had.

“Percelis, you’re skipping prayers again, aren’t you?”

“Because I heard that Ulysses is here!”

Bishop Delgusta appeard to be at his wit's end with Percelis who is always ditching her prayers to see me. However, after seeing her lively, bouncy expression, he would always end up forgiving her.

Percelis is the shrine maiden of this sanctuary.

In fact, even 2000 years ago during the height of the demon rampage times, there existed a ‘Green Shrine Maiden’ just like her in the Southern Continent. Because of this, I always feel an odd kind of nostalgia whenever I laid eyes on her.

“How are you, Percelis?”

“I’m fine now that you’re here!”

This girl always come to see me from the other side of the heavy door whenever I came to visit. [2] Perhaps it is because there are no other children around her age in this region. [1] Whenever she heard that I came to visit, this innocent girl would drag her thin [1] but voluminous shrine maiden skirts up and run over happily to see me.

“Will you stay here all day?”

“No, I must be back at the Royal Palace for afternoon tea. My uncle has called for me.”

“Eehhh~~ That sounds so nice~~ I want to have tea with Ulysses too~~”

“Hahaha… tea with uncle is a bit burdensome actually.”

Her cute cheeks puffed up crossly. I can feel the innocence radiating off her. Completely different from the ugly darkness that shrouded the people within the Royal Palace. She is a pure girl raised within the pure air of this sanctuary.

Every time I meet with Percelis. I have the impression that I am speaking to an actual human being. [2] At the very least, after living in this world for 13 years, she is the only person that I felt comfortable with.

Sure, the content of our conversation was not highly intellectual but the sound of her voice has a special quality to it.

“Ulysses~~ the next time you come you must have tea with me. I’ll serve you Vabel’s Iris Candy so you must come!”

“Ah, okay. It’s a promise.”

Well, I have already received this candy from Bishop Delgusta. It is a relatively simple type of candy with a delicate sweetness.

For people who are used to the sugar-laden sweets from the Royal Capital, they might not find it interesting. However, I like it since it reminds me of the sweets I had back in Japan.

Percelis’ smile blooms like a large flower as she plosd herself down next to me.

“What are you researching today?”

“Well, just some things I need to know before I talk to my uncle.”

“And what’s that?”

“It’s about the war.”

I froze for a moment before showing her an awkward smile. [2] This girl probably knows very little about war.

As someone born in the Southern Continent where wars just don’t happen, she is in a position to understand that even as the rest of the world burned down, an entire country without war could still exist.

“Why? We don’t have wars in this country, right? We have the ‘Green Blessing’ after all.”

“I supposed… but times are always changing.”

I vaguely remember the role of this sanctuary 2000 years ago.

The very reason why the Kingdom of Ruskia never goes to war [2] was due to this ‘Green Blessing’ religion…

Percelis is eventually collected by the Bishop to say her prayers. [2] She is crying but I guess it can’t be helped.

Once she is gone, I breathe in lightly, feeling the quiet pulse of magic in this quiet sanctuary. The constant pulsation, this sacred air, did not seem to have changed much over time.

Back then, they didn't have such a majestic cathedral or a research institute. [2] Nor is it a protected location either.

Back then, the sanctuary was just that. [2] A sanctuary where the Green Shrine Maiden offered up her prayers.

Even so, this religion has many secrets behind it.

Just what is hidden behind that black door?

[Gumihou: How mysterious…]

[1] Filling in the ‘Unspoken’. Often, when it comes to Japanese novels, the translation might be a bit lacking since the author deliberately chooses to use fewer words and let the reader fill in the blanks through a preset cultural understanding.

If the missing info looks too sparse, Gumi will fill in some of the blanks. This is not to imply that the writer’s craft is lacking, but we do have a cultural gap. Gumi will try to fill in these gaps unobtrusively.

[2] Adjust paragraphs, for aesthetic purposes. Also, considering the style of writing, the author would inevitably repeat information. Gumi will at least adjust the delivery of the information so that it’s not verbatim to what had appeared before.


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