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I am Isaac Kyrgos

One of the many insignificant royal sorcerers in the palace.

Right now, for some unspecified reason, I have been charged to escort the Fifth Prince, His Highness Ulysses.

It happened on a summer night’s feast day, two years ago.

Even though we were royal sorcerers, that night’s party was an incredibly extravagant no-hold-barred party where we ate, drank, sang and bragged about our powers. Naturally, I was no exception. As I am usually the quiet gloomy type, I depended on drinks to [1] improve my sociability.

The talk among the royal sorcerers that night was about who would be the next king and who we should follow. Generally, royal mages prefer to take things easy and would flatter the strongest for guaranteed support. Right now, Queen Adalzeza, blood mother of the First Prince, has a great influence among the royal sorcerers. Many royal sorcerers planned to flatter her in hopes that she would support them in return. I thought I should follow along with the crowd myself.

However, [1] before I could put that plan into action, Adalzeza-sama’s favourite sorcerer, Tommaso called out to me.

“Hey Isaac, is what you said earlier true?”

“.... Eh?”

“Didn’t you say something about having made a contract with a water spirit? Only higher level mages could do that. Hey, hey, go on, you can tell me.”

“Aah, well, it’s not that hard…”

I was getting a bit tipsy from all the drinks and praises.

However, it’s the truth.

I could brag about it since I did sign a contract with one of the 100 spirits of the White Sage of East. The same White Sage who was said to be the Father of all White Magicians. The spirit I had signed a contract with had been allegedly entrusted to the legendary hero so I’m particularly proud of it.

Well, I happened to encounter this spirit sleeping in a water jar at the Royal Capital’s antique market.

“Speaking of which, Isaac, do you plan to lend a hand to Adalzeza? She happened to require good mages.”

“... !?”

The best opportunity that I could hope for just came to me.

If the person interested in me was Adalzeza-sama, then I have absolutely no complaints. This way, I will also be regarded as a respected person and once the First Prince ascends the throne, the rest of my life would be guaranteed.

I was really too stupid for believing that a sweet deal had fallen into my lap.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~

The first mission I received was the assassination of His Highness Prince Ulysses.

As a relatively unknown mage [1] with barely any friends, whatever I did would be hard to trace back to them. Moreover, they could get rid of me easily too. Of course, [1] even an introvert like me could guess that I was probably hired for my lack of friends and connections.

However, even if I wanted to refuse this mission, I would probably be killed to prevent any information leaks.

I regretted my carelessness, however, it was already too late.

Well, my water spirit, Sui, is quite faithful to me.

It made me sick to force a spirit to commit murder.

When I cried alone and frustrated in my room over my pathetic state, my loyal servant flowed into existence and told me, [1] “For master’s sake, I shall kill this person. So long as master believe it is justified.”

[1] Justified?

This personality of mine means I never gave much thought to what ‘justice’ means. [2] All I wanted was a comfortable life and to take things easy.

I became a White Mage because I had more magical power than average and happened to receive an invitation from the Royal Capital School of Sorcery. My parents told me to accept the invitation, mostly because I would never miss a meal again…

But, how did it end up this way?

This had gone from beyond just missing a meal or two, this was stepping off the path as a White Mage. Moreover, the battle for the throne was so fierce that it felt like the young princes were just dying off one after another. Some days, it felt as though I was watching a bad comedy play but with everything was too real.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com~

His Royal Highness Prince Ulysses was very young, only 11-years-old. [1]

He did not appear often but I heard that he had the incredible ability to survive against poison. [1] All kinds of poisons. In fact, the rumour was, that no matter how much poison he consumes he would never die. Some called him a prodigy and were prepared to support him as the next king. Others declared him a monster, a child of the devil.

The First Prince’s faction, the one I’m affiliated with, considers this prince an eyesore. I’m sure that’s partly due to fear.

I conjured up a pink firefly and sent it to the prince’s bedroom. [1] Hoping to lure the prince out with it. [3] Hoping the prince would not come out. If the prince doesn’t appear, I won’t have to kill him, right?

[3] Unfortunately, or was it fortunately? The young and innocent prince appeared in the courtyard and I could feel my heart thundering away in my chest.

Is it really fine to kill a prince?

Is it really fine for me to take the life of a young child, a prince of this country, like this?

I was very frightened but what should I do? [3] It was all too late now.

[3] Unlike me, the moment His Royal Highness approached the fountain, Sui immediately launched a Water Blade before I could change my mind.


[3] However, what happened next was too shocking. The Water Blade suddenly stopped in front of the prince and collapsed.

Instead of being frightened, Prince Ulysses smiled generously at the fountain.

[3] Just what is going on? Is the prince truly a prodigy? A devil child genius?

[3] “Who’s your master? When did White Magic become so perverted that spirits are forced to commit murder?”

It was as though His Highness was speaking to me directly.

[3] This dignity, this calm poise, was he really an 11-year-old child?

“...just what… Your Highness Ulysses…”

“Well, ‘what’ indeed.”

[3] I revealed myself then, of course, after catching a glimpse of His Highness Prince Ulysses, I finally understood.

This was no ordinary child.

[1] I began to shake.

[3] Surely, a great punishment would befall upon the foolish me who dared to attack such a person.

However, as His Highness stroked Sui’s fur, he said, “Was this instigated by the First Prince’s faction?” [3]


[3] He said many things, none of which I could say anything to except…

“...please, forgive me…”

[3] Even as I stood there, awaiting punishment, I was at peace. I will gladly receive any punishment from this person.

I am convinced.

This person would one day become king. He was a child of god.

He must have the protection of god or was the reincarnation of god. A special being whom I do not have the words to describe.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~

It has been two years since.

However, I am still that same gloomy and introverted mage.

After failing my mission, I decided to dedicate my life to Fifth Prince Ulysses.

I gained a sense of mission after that failed assassination. I want to serve this person from the bottom of my heart, put my life on the line for him and protect him from all the ugly things in life.

By not killing me, he had granted me life.

My ugly soul was pulled out of the dark mud by him.

After two years, His Highness’ demeanor had been further refined into a beautiful and powerful existence.

Such a person had chosen to save a soul like mine. Because of this, I swore that I will serve His Royal Highness Ulysses faithfully and to one day die for him.

[Gumihou: Woah, kind of cultish worship, this.]

[1] Filling in the ‘Unspoken’. Often, when it comes to Japanese novels, the translation might be a bit lacking since the author deliberately chooses to use fewer words and let the reader fill in the blanks through a preset cultural understanding.

If the missing info looks too sparse, Gumi will fill in some of the blanks. This is not to imply that the writer’s craft is lacking, but we do have a cultural gap. Gumi will try to fill in these gaps unobtrusively.

[2] Adjust paragraphs, for aesthetic purposes. Also, considering the style of writing, author would inevitably repeat information. Gumi will at least adjust the delivery of the information so that it’s not verbatim to what had appeared before.

[3] Actively expand the assassination scene. Also, deleted cloned dialogue.


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