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Hey, buddies! Thank you so much for your support over the last couple of months! As a token of our appreciation, we'll be including the body pillow artwork for Jirou that Mikkoukun made for his twitter as part of the Complete Tier and above! 

This is a preview of the basic front and back version of the Jirou Body Pillow Art, and the full front and back sequences will be available in the $20 USD Complete Tier and above. Jirou's Body Pillow Artwork will contain the following variants:

  • Casual
  • Casual (Open)
  • Naked (Accessories)
  • Naked

Be sure and update your pledges, buddies! If you  want to check on the tiers, please see our post explaining this month's tier changes below:

Next month we'll return to our normal two rewards schedule with polls, but in the meantime, please stay tuned for the preview of Goro Nomoru's body pillow coming soon!

Please Note - These rewards are digital artwork. Physical Body Pillows for Jirou are available on the BLits website at this time, and the other scoutmasters will be available in the future!



Tairo Akitora

This is awesome! Thanks, Mikkoukun!