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Hey, buddies! Goro Nomoru is our final of the three Scoutmasters, so his Body Pillow Artwork will be featured in this month's rewards! Goro oozes that confident energy, and nothing can tame him (or can it?)~

This is a preview of the basic (front) and accessories (back) version of the Goro Nomoru Body Pillow Art, and the full front sequences will be available in the $10 USD Basic Tier. The full front and back sequences, along with bonus sequences, will be available in the $20 USD Tier and above. Goro's Body Pillow Artwork will contain the following variants:

  • Camp
  • Shirtless with Accessories
  • Swimwear
  • Underwear
  • Naked with Accessories
  • Naked

Be sure and update your pledges, buddies! If you  want to check on the tiers, please see our post explaining this month's tier changes below:

In addition, as a bonus for everyone's support these last few months, we'll be featuring the Jirou Body Pillow artwork that Mikkoukun teased on his twitter in the complete tier and above this month, so make sure and check it out below as well as update your pledges, buddies!


Finally, as per the last two months, we have a spicier preview for Goro that is Patreon-exclusive, so check it out below too!


Please Note - These rewards are digital artwork. Physical Body Pillows for Goro Nomoru and the other scoutmasters are not available at this time, but stay tuned for more news about them in the future.




Goro Nomoru looks confident enough! I really admire his style. I like the way you drew him so much!

Thomas Polk

Jirou Body Pillow artwork link goes to Aiden Flynn not to Jirou.