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Hey there, buddies! The August 2018 Rewards have been sent! Please check your inbox for your respective rewards!

We hope that everyone enjoyed camp's main character, Keitaro, having some alone time! In the meantime, we want to remind everyone that this month's rewards will only consist of one CG set as well, in order to allow us time to finish the game's development for release! Check out the poll linked below to choose which character you guys want to see:


In addition to the rewards and poll, please make sure to read the Major Update we released two weeks ago to find out the state of the game's development, our Minor Announcement regarding Patreon Pledge Concerns, and the Patreon Pledge Table to see if you qualify for a free digital copy of the game if you haven't already!  And as always, please check out our FAQ's  for any other major concerns you might have. 

Major Announcement:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033 

Minor Announcement:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/21169155 

Pledge Table: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patrons-for-free-21269088 

Camp Buddy FAQs:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/19016502

If you have any other questions not covered by our FAQs page, feel free to send us a private message a ' blitsblgames@gmail.com ' or here on the Patreon and we'll answer as soon as possible!

Thank you as always for your support, buddies! We'll see you guys again later this month for the poll results & rewards previews!  






Hello! If you just started pledging in Semptember, you are eligible for September rewards, which will be sent on the 15th of next month. Please check our FAQ's for more details: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/19016502">https://www.patreon.com/posts/19016502</a>


Looks great! Unfortunately I didnt get it because Patreon has stopped accepting prepaid cards. I'm not asking for a free set, that would be wrong of me. But I wanted to show my support verbally until I can start supporting monetarily again. Luckily I've supported enough before now to get the game. Keep up the great work!


mikkoukun already has a release date for the game


Yeah that happened to me too but I just put my prepaid card onto a paypal account and since patreon accepts paypal, it worked. i would suggest trying that.


Look forrwarrd to the release, didnt hear about this game till late glad you got funded though


How can I get one(1) of the following rewards you sent me ???


Hi Alfie! Please check your Patreon inbox. If you need help, check out our FAQ's! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/19016502">https://www.patreon.com/posts/19016502</a>


When the Camp buddy came out?

David Purss

Not out yet. The deadline is the Oct 28. You can find more at this link: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033">https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033</a> . It's the major update and (as of this post) upto date


If don't have money can we play it?


If dont' have money can we play it?


Do we know how many days there will be in the game so far I could only see 31 with the previews, and will everyday be playable or will it skip like bacchikoi?


"20 in-game- playable days, 4 separate endings, and over 50,000 lines of code!" that was said about Hiro's route if you want to know where that information is from it's from this post : <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcement-18434630">https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcement-18434630</a>


I fell in love with the game I like the story style and I can not donate because poor: v and I would love it to come out completely and very lucky with the game they did a great job and also that it was in different languages


How can I get beach vacation to my game