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Hey there, buddies! We're here to announce which patrons are qualified for the free digital copy of the game! We have compiled a list of everyone's total processed pledge values and determined who is eligible for the free digital copy of the game on release. 

If you are qualified, we have listed your Patreon ID Number in the PDF below. (We have decided to use this feature due to changing Profile Names and also to keep your information private)

To find this ID number, please use the following steps:  

1) Login to your Patreon. 

2) Once logged in your Patreon, you'll be directed to your Home Page /  Dashboard,  go to click on your personal Avatar to go to your Patreon Profile on the top left, circled in the picture below: 

3) You should now find yourself on your Profile Page. At the top of the page, in the browser's URL, you will see a tag just like the one circled in the picture below. This is your Patreon ID Number.  

4) Once you have found your ID Number, please click on the link below and search for your Patreon ID Number in the PDF/page below. You can do this easily by pressing CTRL-F on Windows or Command-F on MAC, and entering the ID Number into the search window. 


We have noticed that there are 9 Patrons who have closed their accounts, and therefore your ID is no longer available. If you are one of these 9, don't worry, we will contact you by email at the release date!  


We hope everyone takes the time to check this list and see if they are qualified for the game. If not, we want to assure everyone can still purchase the game on the release date on our upcoming website!

If you believe that you are qualified for a copy and are not on this list for some reason, please send us a private message at ' blitsblgames@gmail.com ' or here on the Patreon along with the email address associated with your account and we will check to see if we somehow missed you! 

Note: We also want to remind everyone that participated in the initial campaign that they are still entitled to physical rewards and all other bonus rewards based on their accumulated pledges. We still have those items on record and we'll send these items in time with the release date as well,  so don't worry!  


In addition to this announcment, please make sure to read the Major Update we released last week to find out the state of the game's development as well as our Minor Announcement regarding Patreon Pledge Concerns if you haven't already!   And as always, please check out our FAQ's  for any other major concerns you might have. 

Major Announcement:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033 

Minor Announcement:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/21169155 

Camp Buddy FAQs:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/19016502

If you have any other questions not covered by our FAQs page, feel free to send us a private message a ' blitsblgames@gmail.com ' or here on the Patreon and we'll answer as soon as possible!

Thank you as always for your support, buddies! We'll see you guys again later this month for more updates!   




Your number is 12672851 and you're in the list.


Hi there, I seem to be having the same problem as bucket- i don't seem to be able to have my ID, just a URL with my username on it


Same problem as the others, no ID just my username.


similar problem to those above!


Just commenting so I can see my number lol, looking forward to the game! By the by, if I pledged in late August how do I see my rewards? I'm new to patreon and I'm not sure how to get them. I didn't receive any email with any rewards that I saw, thanks in advance.


Same here


Can I have mine? I'm on mobile


Same for me. How come this doesn't work? I searched everywhere in my profile tabs and nowhere does it list my ID number. I'm confident that I'm on the list, though.


I don't see my ID when I go to my profile. URL just ends with "profile" and no ID number. When I search for ID number in Patreon's FAQs, no results. I'm not a mobile user and my account is still active.

Dylan S.

Yay found mine, can't wait for the game ^_^


Hello , i have a question , if i am a non-patron i can still buy the game when it will be released right?


Part of this post : "everyone can still purchase the game on the release date on our upcoming website!"


Same problem as the others, I just see my username. -_-


I have the same problem as everyone else, I can not see my ID Number, only my custom URL uwu




what's my number?


Hello everyone! If the above method does not work to find your ID Number, you can also see it by hovering over your name in the comments here! In Chrome, a URL will appear at the bottom left of the screen with your ID number in it - please check there as well if you have trouble!


Is there a store version up, or only the version for patreons?


None, the game isn't released yet but it should release this month or the next both for patreon and non patreon.


Hard to find my code


Your is 209285. ctr+f to search it in the sheet to see if it's in or not.


how to find my ID via mobile


it's hard to find the code in my id


Not on mobile so I don't know, but your number is 10787587.


What my code im


after matching the code and succeeding. how to get the game?


Hopefully people will have better success at finding their ID number. Going to bed, sweet dreams everyone.


Hello! The game is not released yet, please read our major update for more details: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033">https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033</a>


when is this game released


Is there a way to play for free?


Sorry guys for asking, but I also cannot see my ID number as well. thank you


Well since you have to buy the game no you can't play it for free


Just read the last major announcement for that the worst case scenario is october but I advice you to read the major announcement ^^


Hey guys I can't find my ID number or if im on the list


im sorry to ask, but i cant see my id number. thank you


I cant see my number and I tried putting the mouse cursor it wouldnt show qwwqqqqqqq please help me with the number

Matt Kulisch

I'm a creator, too, with a unique URL on the site. Not sure how to access my ID# given that.


I can’t find my ID


I can't find my ID neither..


It seems that my Patreon ID number isn't at the URL of any browser I have. Please, can you help me?


Unable to see my ID number. Can someone help?


i win nothing T_T


I saw it actually it's on the first side xD Second column 12th row ^^ if I'm not wrong with your ID being 8908869

Kia Welbehenna

How long did you have to be a patreon to be qualified for a free copy?


what my id?


It wasn't about the time. It was about wether you accumulated enough over the course of october 2016 until august 2018 to be qualified or not. The amount you needed to pledge over that time was 50$ if you did that you are entiteled for a free copy


Unfortunately same Problem here that I only get my custom URL :( could anyone have a look for my ID? 😅


How can I find my ID somebody pls help TT


Can someone tell me my ID too please and thank you


Thank you Yeshua, Ranulf and JP6 for actively responding to comments! You guys are a life saver!~ Little note for the people whoa re having trouble finding your id, If the above method does not work to find your ID Number, you can also see it by hovering over your name in the comments here! In Chrome, a URL will appear at the bottom left of the screen with your ID number in it - please check there as well if you have trouble


i can't find my ID number !!😭


i can not find my ID number T_T


im ready


I cant find mine too


I don't really get it i found my ID-Number on the list but i can't click on anything or is there another way to get the download link?


Game isn't release yet, being on the list only mean you won't have to pay to get the game once it's released later this month or next month.


Hello, I'm artimax32@gmail.com and I have been subscribed since august but due to the fact that my billing failed I'm not qualified but this month it did charge me. So will I recieve a copy or not?


I don't think so, monthly pledge stopped counting toward getting the game since June 2017. I checked just in case and your Patreon ID isn't in the list.


I just see user/creators, can anyone see my id number? thanks! :)


ummm is it still possible for some of us to be able to receive the full release?


I am a bit worried that I cannot get the full game, by the way this is very planned and put alot of hard work. ( I just wish I can this the full release, Big Fan of your work!)


Hello! Please don't worry, everyone can still purchase the game on the release date on our upcoming website!


Same! Mikkoukun does really put a lot of work in his games or whatever. X3


Hi. I'm sorry, I had a problem with the payment due September 1st. My bank refused payments to Patreon because they considered it 'suspicious'. Apparently they don't like international payments. I had to spend some time convincing the that this was a valid charge. It should have cleared today (Sept 10). Could you check and make sure that you received the payment, and then send rewards to my e-mail address. Sorry for the drama. Thanks, Patric


Hi Patric! I see that your pledge did process, so don't worry! You will receive your rewards when they are sent on the 15th!


When is the official release date?


Hello! Please check our Major Update for details about the release: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033">https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-20918033</a>


hii, i remember pledging in july but i switched my credit card so i cancelled my pledge w/o realizing, is this a giveaway/ random pick or are people who pledged obligated to get a free copy? im kinda sad to see my id not on the list &gt;.&lt; !! thanks :) ,, evan


Hello I cant seem to find my ID on the list, I've been subscribed since july 2018 is it possible that i wont receive it because I pledged too late?


The people on the list will receive a free copy when the game will be released so it's not a giveaway/random pick. If you are not on the list then you won't get a free copy on release and have to buy it separately :/


The question is how much did you pledge since then? If it does not accumulate up to atleast 50$ then that's why you are not on the list even though you are subscribed since july


i don't have a number, just a word "home" x)


my number is 13152029. Why i'm not in the list?


Eyy, 3655257 is on there!


My ID isn't displayed, if I follow the instructions, just my user name.


My id isn’t showing for some reason


whats mine, i cant find it either


When the Camp buddy came out?


Where is my id number


Tell me, if I did not make a deposit for the game, could I play it?


So I had not realised my Patron had needed updating till today so I'm not surprised I'm not on the list. So my question is now that it is updated will I be good to go?


Unless you accumulated the required amount for pledging by the aforementioned deadline date then no you will not receive the game for free when it comes out. The deadline has been over


I don't think I did it right, could someone tell me my number for me lol.


lucky me! i was a pledge between june and october 2017 and then january to may 2018, i cant wait to get the game!

Sangie Nativus

I was starting a creator page so it doesn't show my user ID it instead shows my creator name. But I am super happy about this news!! Thank you.


My ID is not showing up and Im looking at the url spot like the instructions said?