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Look, another one of these!

Yes, a Secret Commission for a Randochi this time. Was supposed to be based on Nirvana's Nevermind album cover IF YOU COULDN'T TELL. Came out quite nice, and it was some experimental fun. Learned like two or three things, which is excellent.

There is also a super lewd bonus version of it in the attached zip. IT MAY NOT BE EVERYONE'S CUP OF TEA BTW SO DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU BECAUSE THIS IS A WARNING (hint: it involves excessive tentacles hurhur)

The above image is resized. Will post later at dA.

Enjoy! :D

P.S. I made a whole lot of posts this month, and there a lot of new Patrons (YAY, thank you!), who may not have noticed that this is a per-post campaign, and forgot to set up a monthly post limit. You will be charged six times for this month if you haven't set that up. So if you are on the $15 tier and didn't set up a limit, PM me - we will work out a refund once you're charged. Unless you don't want that, in which case wow, that's awesome, thank you!




Thank you!


As ever, you've produced some gorgeous work. The water effect is great, and the sag of that udder illustrates the illusion of weight and heft well, even when 'underwater' as it were.

Diego P

Damn you are good... I don't even know what to say...


Haha... that is WAY better than the original that inspired it.