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"I have never seen anything like this before. What could it be? Perhaps the Loa are trying to communicate with us, or maybe this is how Nana Buluku speaks. Whichever is true, this is one sight I shall not forget."

"Wow, I have no idea what this is, but it's so pretty I don't want it to end! You go, light thingies!"


HEY! HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND A JOLLY NEW YEAR - may the latter be better than the one which shall not be mentioned and is about to end. ._.




Yay love that reference to old history when people were confused by the falling sky. Uzuri's neck looks extra long today! Edit on Christmas: Wesołych Świąt

Diego P

you are Amazing with composition and lighting, I love that aspect of your work so much

The Nubus

This is a lovely piece.


As much as I enjoy your more risque works, it's these calming and detailed character pieces which always have the most appeal, and really show off your artistic merit. As ever, the piece is just dripping with personality, highlighting excellently Kebibi's and Uzuri's expected reaction at such an event.


Yeah, I always see making lewds as pure fun with no meaning (unless erotica - that can be very artsy, but hard to do properly). Making something with an actual backstory, emotions and personalities is much more rewarding on other levels. Thank you!