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- Have you ever been on top of that huge rock there?

- The Ngazi Mlima.

- Yeah, the- that, yeah. So have you?

- Yes.


- Well, how was it?

- It was nice. And slightly surprising.

- How so?

- I happened to have met a pilgrim there.

- Oh? Is that a sacred place?

- Apparently to some cultures. There is a small altar there, with a few torches, some interesting ceremonial objects, and an exceptionally beautiful figure made of wood and gold.

- Oooh! I wanna see it!

- It is over a day's walk from here. Good luck.

- Haha! No, I meant maybe you could carve a replica?

- No.

- Why?

- It was a sacred object; an image of a higher deity, as the pilgrim explained. To reproduce it with the hands of a non-believer, would be blasphemous.

- Oh. Well, you're right, I guess. Then maybe we could go there together one day?

- Perhaps. I would indeed like to see that place again.

Woohooo, Made Anza almost on time! XD It may not be nice to brag, but holy crap does this have a good composition! *happy hyena noises*

Enjoy! :D




I am usually obsessed with your models, but this makes me pretty curious about the environment of Anza too. What was the process of making the world like? Outside of the term "procedural generation" game makers throw around, I have always wondered what building expansive environments like that really involves. I have a hard time imagining you modeling every hill and bump...


Like Graye, I'm more intrigued by the landscape and terrain of this picture. I'm particularly glad to see a steady increase in detail and quality of the surrounding area as the series progresses, and I find myself mindlessly pondering on what the local area looks like in, say, a 2km radius or so. Of course, I'm obsessed with making maps (I do it for a living!) so this might just be me.


There's Tchai's fancy new cloud formation! While i was comparing the dialogue to the picture I thought they were talking about that Cliff thing. The closest one. I was thinking of the Lion King. But that cliff is too close to take a day. That big hill *points* with the cloud hovering over is the one. Maybe? The depth perception is a bit hard for me to understand so maybe the closest cliff is the one that has the altar. I just imagine Kebibi would slow them down from goofing off alot. Today is the day when those magical features you created several years back finally get some attention. Yay for Environments!

Diego P

I love the cacti and that little tree on the back, all the detail you put in this is so good!


i would travel anywhere with you Uzuri.


Yes, they're talking about that cliff thing. The air is usually pretty clear, so it doesn't seem like it's very far away, but it is! I definitely exaggerated the distance (it's actually about 4,6 km away + the climb), but it doesn't matter. I guess the place being a desert just makes traveling harder, so there you go - over a day. XD


Oh boy, that would be a lot of talking right there. XD The basics are that the whole world for Anza took me almost a year to make, and the whole landscape is disc-shaped, with a radius of about 11 km (so 22 km from one end to the other). As for the terrain, it's a healthy mix of procedurally-generated and handmade. The mountains you see in the background are manually sculpted (that was fun), and all the small irregularities closer to the house are generated and then adjusted by hand. Same goes for landscape texturing. I made that with actual sculpted textures, mixed/masked with procedural maps. All the rocks, bushes, shrubs, cacti and trees are made vaguely in the same way, and placed around the world by hand (or in the case of grass, sprayed on with an instancing brush, because I'm not THAT insane; I only adjusted the positioning of some of those after spraying). It was a ridiculous amount of work, and I'm pretty sure there are faster ways of doing it all, but hey, at least it's a pretty big achievement! :D


For all the info, read my reply to Graye's comment! As for the 2 km radius - it's not very exciting. The mountainous areas start at around 4 km away from the house. Otherwise, it's just a relatively flat desert with some rocks and plants. The only thing that changes around it ever so slightly is the ground color, and even that is in large areas. XD Also making maps for a living sounds like a crazy cool thing to do!