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Well, what else would you expect for this month? XD

Can't say I blame the commissioner; I'd probably want to make this kind of thing sooner or later too. XD

I'm thinking about opening another commmission slot here. I think I'd be able to pull that off, but I'm not absolutely sure. Probably depends on the commission complexity, so it's kind of a gamble. I need longer days and longer months to know for sure. ._.


Enjoy! :D




Bound to happen indeed! This has never been my thing. Until you just made it my thing, that is...


Oh man, you've got me all kinds of excited now. Not merely for the picture (which, yes, I've wanted to see some nursing since first spotting those lovely teats) but also for a chance to commission you. I'll be trying really hard to get the slot. As an alternative, if you think the workload might be overwhelming, maybe you could offer a $35 slot for 1 art piece every two months? About half the price of your top tier slot for half the workload, but likely to still make everyone happy. Either way, I'd really utterly (udderly?) love to take whatever kind of slot you offer.


This is an exciting image. Hjalta looks very pleased. A thing I didn't notice before is the indention of the other teat without the ring. It looks like she had one on both teats. Maybe she lost it, or changed the sides? How'd you do the squirt?


Hmm, that sounds vaguely reasonable. But then, I'm not sure about it. Two months of working on something on and off sounds like a rather daunting task (the thought of having to work on it would just be lingering around), and I'd probably end up finishing that in one month in more hurry. XD That would just be more stressing, I think. Dunno, it's tough. HOWEVER, a while ago, I announced that I am experimentally taking commissions from Patrons, so if you're interested, send me a PM here! Depending on the complexity, it could cost as little as $30! Also glad you like the pic! :D


Nah, that indentation is just anatomy. It's analogical to human nipples, where there's that crease between the areola and the actual nipple bit thing. Just tchai things! XD And the squirt is just a simple particle emitter using metaballs and rendered with motion blur. Thanks!