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Actually an entire asar. Another entire asar. There are two now. Two asar. Look:

There's just one here, but see? A new one. She has a lot of everything. A lot of hair, a lot of tooth, a lot of tiddy, a lot of butt, a lot of hip, a lot of claw, a lot of melanin, but not a lot of height. She's actually shorter than O'ori by about 10-12 cm, making her about 110 cm tall. Plus hair. Jesus that's a lot of hair.

She also has a name, and that's Noki-uri.

Holy shit that's the fifth character I made this year. ._. You haven't even seen one of those yet because of reasons. ._. Soooooooon.

Anyway, I'm attaching a zip with a couple more angles; I think she's finished, but I may still do some tweaks on her! So far I spent 5 days working on her, and nothing else I think. I might have to work on something more pressing now. XD

Enjoy! :D




Tchai is in inspiration mode. Workin workin workin. Keep at it. Youre doing great. Good choice doing a mature character. She might be the oldest looking character so far. The hair is amazing too it looks so complex.


OMG that hair and those eyes! Perfection. I agree with Randochi, is good to see another mature character. I dont know what it is about the black skin you do but it is just so captivating. Also Noki's breasts are quite lovely and well designed. Do keep up the good work, but dont tire yourself out Tchai. There have been times where ive had an artistic block, and its not something id want you to get.


Black skin is best skin. ;3; But I definitely want to work on the tiddies some more; there's one thing that bothers me about them, but I'm not sure how fixable it is. Might just be the lighting; I can't find the time to check. XD And don't worry, right now I have a relatively large backlog of rendered pieces (like four, two of which are processed, and one of which I'm hopefully posting today), and one ready for rendering. Stuff is going very well. <3 Thank you!


Hey, I'm always workin workin workin! Just recently I've been in turbo mode where everything is going fast and well. I love it; haven't had a rush like that in years. I am not looking forward to the day it goes back to normal. :^) And yeah, the hair is much slower to render than most hair, and it takes like 2-3 times as much memory too, BUT WORTH IT Thank you!