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Finally some good old Adreea contortion art, eh?

A not-really-late-but-posting-late-because-of-reasons birthday gift for ECMajor!

Enjoy! :D




Nice! I also like their art. Very sharp lines. Oddly enough Adreea looks very comfortble doing that...


When is his birthday, I tend to miss it every year? I hope he likes it. I appreciate the one off Adreea contortion piece every now and then. I started rigging recently and its relieving when you design something that looks complicated. From what I remember you said you don't rig and just pose things. Is what you do equate to a lot of blend shapes and topography smoothing? The question comes to my head frequently with how you make the poses.


It was about a month ago, not sure if I should tell the exact date. And they very much did like it. <3 I pose entirely in ZBrush, so there's no need for blendshapes, it's just a lot of masking, bending, unmasking, making again, bending more, some sculpting and a dash of smoothing. It can be a very tedious process, but I have virtually unlimited control and no bad deformations (if I spot and fix them). Thanks!