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You don't see anything for almost 2 months & then 2 betas come along in under a day with & (how's that for channelling the old days of Winamp 2.x build releases 😉) trying to get things resolved before the holidays.

Primarily it's just a lot of fixes that have finally been able to be implemented with the changes that the prior beta builds resolved allowing the remaining ones to be easier to track down & understand the cause (whack-a-mole at it's finest).

Build changelogs are at https://getwacup.com/changelog/beta_1_8_14_14050.html (x86) & https://getwacup.com/changelog/beta_1_8_14_14050_x64.html (x64)




Fixed an issue with the classic skin main window painting under limited OS memory / resources Fixed the artwork handling to ensure any asynchronous calls will have their provided callback called in an asynchronous manner instead of doing it immediately which could cause issues if done on the main ui


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