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Just in before the month is over #WACUP #beta is now up for the beta testers. Its mostly about improving WACUP running under WINE 6.x - there's more to check over whilst not hindering the Windows experience - https://getwacup.com/changelog/beta_1_5_8_9478.html

WINE! but why not give a native version I hear some of you ask... this is the easiest thing for me to do & offer for the time being. Also with how some have been running it under WINE for a few years getting my replacement plug-ins from the betas behaving is better for a preview!



WACUP Beta Build #9478 Changelog

Added support for holding shift + arrow key up / down or shift + mousewheel scroll up/down to offer finer resolution of volume change compared to the normal level that matches Winamp's behaviour Changed the installer to make a better attempt at determining if there's an existing portable install preset


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