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Annoyingly it appears that Patreon has changed things so that you can no longer just choose to pay whatever amount you want when signing up, so I have had to create these stupid "membership tiers". If I don't create them then I also can't make posts exclusive to paying members so the last 4 builds were accidentally publicly accessible!

I created 3 memberships tiers at £2, £5 and £10 a month. They are all exactly the same in terms of what you get (alpha builds and development updates). As far as I know if you already signed up before Patreon made this change then you will continue paying whatever you were paying.

If anyone feels that I have done something wrong then please let me know!

Edit: Apparently it is still possible to pay what you want, by ignoring the tiers and clicking the "join now" button. But I still need to have these tiers configured in order to make the builds private to members (patreon recently changed the creator UI so maybe it's a bug.)



https://soundcloud.com/michisarti/blockhead-200-4/s-y7aA9EaE9a8 everything is made with blockhead except 909 clap and hat samples