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Here is the first video in the new SPC700 series! Just a quick overview to start off with, but we'll be diving into a lot of different topics in the next several videos.


SPC700 Overview - SPC700 Series pt. 1

Ever wondered how the SNES's audio subsystem, the SPC700, produced all the beautiful music and sounds in all of those SNES classics? It's all explained right here. LINKS Twitter (updates): https://twitter.com/RetroGameMechEx Patreon (support): https://www.patreon.com/rgmechex SubscribeStar (support): https://www.subscribestar.com/rgmechex Discord (discussion): http://discord.rgmechex.com INLINE LINKS SPC700 & ARAM - SNES Features Pt. 10 - https://youtu.be/n5eTOGZdnTU



Welcome back! Small note: I think it might be a good idea adding something like "SNES Audio system" to the video title. I had no idea what the SPC700 is. And if I wouldn't know already that all your videos are worth watching, I wouldn't have clicked.