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Here it is! The first video in the SPC700 series. This video is just an overview, so nothing too in depth, but it creates a roadmap that the rest of the series will follow. There's going to be a lot of interesting stuff coming soon here, so be prepared!

Again, this is my first time preparing a video for 4K playback, so let me know if anything is off (it's a bit cumbersome to deal with just because of the larger size). I also updated the ending of the video, including moving the patron list to the video instead of the description since I was nearly running out of text space there.

Let's hope this is the start of a good year for the channel!



SPC700 Overview - SPC700 Series pt. 1

Ever wondered how the SNES's audio subsystem, the SPC700, produced all the beautiful music and sounds in all of those SNES classics? It's all explained right here. LINKS Twitter (updates): https://twitter.com/RetroGameMechEx Patreon (support): https://www.patreon.com/rgmechex SubscribeStar (support): https://www.subscribestar.com/rgmechex Discord (discussion): http://discord.rgmechex.com INLINE LINKS SPC700 & ARAM - SNES Features Pt. 10 - https://youtu.be/n5eTOGZdnTU



I don’t have access to your patreon list but that last supporter name in Hebrew looks wrong. It looks like it’s laid out LTR instead of RTL. Can you double-check that? I’ve heard bad things about After Effects non-English script support.


As for 4k feedback, things look different. Things are scaled differently, that you’re making the 4k episode use all 4k rather than being a scaled up 1080 video, so the words are smaller. That’s fine, but I wanted to share how it seemed to me.


And you’re back! Welcome back!


I've been waiting for this series for about 7 years, now! Thanks for being back and creating awesome stuff!


Thanks for the feedback. My preview window for editing is still the same size (so technically I'm zoomed out at 50% now), so it shouldn't really have any effect on me. But it's good to know that I need to make sure not to make stuff too small!


You're probably right! I'll take a look at it and fix it for the public release.


I dug around and the person “רועי סיני” has a few public sponsorships and their name is indeed backwards in the video. Meanwhile it seems like After Effects just got a new text engine that should help; see https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/using/whats-new/2022-1.html#text-engine so I guess make sure you’re on the latest version? (I don’t know anything about this so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work.)


I'm not sure I follow. I say that each "sample" is 16 bits, but I clarify that it means that each channel is 8 bits. Maybe it's not clear that the top waveform is the left channel and the bottom waveform is the right channel? I could add identifiers there.


I am updated, but it looks like it's still broken, as choosing right-to-left just makes it right-justified instead of reversing the order of the characters... I'll just have to do it manually!


I think there's an error in the description of the DSP-to-DAC interface at around the 9:00 mark. The D6376 is fundamentally a 16-bit DAC; the left and right channels each use 16-bit samples for a total of 32 bits transferred per unit time. This does not match the description or voiceover. http://datasheet.elcodis.com/pdf2/97/50/975088/d6376.pdf


Aha, I see what I misinterpreted. I will be fixing that then. Thanks both of you!