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When I think of summer I think about having all the free time in the world. Then I find out I have so many things I want to work on that only half of them get done. I did manage to work on some stuff I've wanted to do for a while now, one of which is a complete disassembly of Super Mario World . Because of school during the winter and spring, I usually don't work on my own stuff because schoolwork comes first. This summer I did manage to release one (1) video only because I didn't want a repeat of last summer when I released none. However this brings me to my next point.

Long story short I was going for a double major, planning to graduate this spring, but apparently there is a cap on the number of credits you can take and still receive financial aid. I hit that cap and now I'm not taking classes this semester or next semester. Luckily, I've finished all credits for one of the degrees I was going for, so I'll still be able to graduate on time. But now I'm in a weird situation where I'm set to graduate two semesters after not taking any classes.

I'm going to use these next several months as a "test run" for working on this channel full time. Currently, what I make here and on YouTube lets me break even on expenses, but it's not sustainable especially since I would like to find a better (therefore more expensive) place to live. I'm going to try to discipline myself to treat this more like a job. I believe if I put enough time and effort into the channel I can make it grow enough to support me with an extra buffer to spare. Then when I graduate in May I can see where I am and make the next big decision then.

You may have noticed the $2000 "goal" I've had on my Patreon page for a while now--I only put that there at first because the site kept bugging me to make a goal so I did in order to dismiss the notification. I didn't really think of it as a serious goal because I could only treat the channel as a side project. But now, I'm going to take that more seriously.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me both in the past and the present. And special thanks to everyone who has stuck around through the lull that is summer; I am incredibly surprised at everyone's generosity of continuing support even when there is a break in my content. Thank you so much. Hopefully I can really mitigate these breaks in the future.

tl;dr: I'm not taking classes this year so I'm going to focus greatly on this channel. My goal is to reach $2000/mo before May when I graduate.


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