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So here's the thing. 

This Killer Instinct audio doc is starting to explode into a full length feature in its own right. As you can infer from the title, Mick's interview alone is monstrous and gonna take a bunch of time to work through and I haven't even really made a dent in my interview list for it yet too. In fact, I have so much footage already that I think we're looking at multiple videos on the audio of KI, one focused on its development, and another bonus video that takes deeper dives into individual tracks. It's gonna require me to adjust projected schedule a bit to give everything the attention it needs so I'm pushing Infil's guide video a week or two back and that Dark Souls idea to next year.

So updated schedule

  • November: Teaching Instinct: Infilament and KI.Infil.Net
  • December/January: KI Audio doc + Mick Gordon track deep dive
  • April: GG doc project

My schedule is in constant flux thanks to my new job, but I'm striving to find a good rhythm here, so thanks for your patience while I figure everything out. Gonna be cutting Mick's interview up soon, so expect some preview clips in the next week if you're in the $5+ tiers!

More soon 

- Esteban  



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