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Hello and Welcome to the month of August.  We must hurry, there is much work to do and so little time.

Pilots! We thank you for your patience and we’re pleased to release build to you.  If you’d like a refresher of the changelog, please visit released for all Blood Bounds, Aldrukai, and Praetorians. | The Tribe (LOKR TEAM) on Patreon.  Also you can expect to see some hotfixes soon for these known bugs.

  • Leaving and returning to the briefing room, after playing the dialogue, will cause the scene to place again
  • Some doorways don't let players enter them after opening it
  • Some user's tutorial don’t progress after the shower scene
  • Characters misaligned in the briefing room scene

In addition to the build fixes, the launcher also received some much needed TLC.  Please verify your launcher is version 1.2.3


  • Fix to Patreon ranks coming in incorrectly
  • Fix to SubscribeStar ranks coming in incorrectly and named incorrectly
  • Fixed error which prevented users who weren't logged in from clicking play on the game
  • Fixed rank display showing incorrect icons or ranks
  • Added more error checking to help fix issues affecting a small number of users

Please continue to give your feedback and report bugs as you find them.

What have we been working on these past few weeks?

Firstly code has been hard at work laying the foundation for our combat system.  The basics of which will be familiar to anyone with experience playing tabletop RPGs.  Our goal is to build a combat system that emphasizes Tactics, Preparation, Build, and Party choices.  While de-emphasizing reaction times and muscle memory.

But we must start at the beginning.  And the work is going into creating a very barebones system to determine whether or not the combat is “fun”.  As always things are very likely to evolve over the coming weeks.

For Kuja, it has been all hands on deck finishing the Armory and Hanger backgrounds.  Thankfully he was able to unleash some creative juices on the Tavern Concept Sketch. Our Patrons will be seeing that today.  Let us know what you think; maybe even drop some suggestions on the kind of things you’d like to see with the Waitress quest line.

Next up for Kuja is finishing the remaining Marines in the Absolution.  The current list includes Corporal Vasta Rodriguez, PFC Ana Rodriguez, PFC Sammy Winston, and Colonel Kurt Barrett. While this is not the complete list of characters for the Absolution, this is where we are choosing to pause the ship for now.

And of course, something special will be coming for KAM.

Animation has the awkward distinction of having some of the simplest sounding tasks being assigned to some very complex work.  First off is animating the above mentioned Sammy, Vasta, and Ana MFF scene.  This is, by far, the most ambitious of the CG’s we’ve made.  Three full body characters with and without clothing.  We hope this whets your appetite for the future scenes that involve everyone’s favorite vixen.

Calling the combat animations basic, is the farthest thing from the truth.  So let’s call them bedrock combat animations.  They will be the litmus test for the effort moving forward.  And we are excited to give you updates as these grow and evolve.

Finally Let’s talk about the Writing Team.  Eagle eyed users would have noticed our launcher still links to the depreciated .8 version of the Wiki.  Vlad has been hard at work establishing our new Wiki.  It’s still not quite ready to be released into the wild.  But soon you’ll have access to the most in depth repository of information Lok:Re has ever had.

Estuite readers would have noticed this post has followed a common trend.  Combat is on the menu.  And this has been the focus of Vlad for quite some time.  And we’re finally bringing his vision to life.  Here’s a small taste of some of the work he’s been up to.

            Cold Blooded

            Race: Sultari, Jotnar, Lizard, Grund, Keipr, Reptiles

            Gender: Male/Female

            Description: This creature has no ability to keep themselves warm.

            x% damage resistance to fire/heat. x% more damage taken from frost/cold.

            Battle Fervor (Passive)

            Description: The rhythm of battle can be heard through those most in touch with the bloodshed. Hear the war drums

            beating. Kill them all. Every enemy you kill in battle increases your damage output by x% until the end of the battle.

            Purge Blood (Active)

            Blood Magic

            Cast Type: Channeled

            Target: Party

            Description:The caster will filter the blood of the entire party, cleansing random debuffs per second from each member:

            Poison, blindness, agony, diseased, neurotoxin, infection, hemotoxin, weakness, berry drunk, bleeding, and exhaustion.

Of course this is future, FUTURE, kind of stuff. We're still in the bedrock stage of combat. Everything is subject to change.  So we beg your acceptance of this elegant tease.  Thank You for the continued support.  Until next time.  Peace and Stay Strong.



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