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Welcome to the July 25th Update Post

Marines, Build is available in your launchers.  If you missed the changelog, check out the patreon post here released for all Blood Bounds, Aldrukai, and Praetorians. | The Tribe (LOKR TEAM) on Patreon.  Please report all bugs and feedback to the Patron Build Errors and Feedback or the Tickets channels in the Discord.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Over the past week a few users have rightfully pointed out the confusion around our roles.  So it’s finally time to fully clarify.

  • Praetorians Receive access to Test Builds and Immediate Access to Builds
  • Aldrukai Receive Immediate Access to Builds
  • Blood Bounds Receive Immediate Access to Builds
  • Marines Receive Access to Builds 2 weeks after BB’s, AL, and PR’s
  • Pilots  Receive Access to Builds 2 weeks after Marines
  • All Peons Receive Access to Builds 2 weeks after Pilots
  • Public  Receive Access to Builds when a New Build Releases

Following this plan, Pilots will see v0.1.4.0 arrive in their launchers on August 8th and the Old/New Peons will see the build on August 22nd.  If you have any further questions please reach out in the comments or on the Discord.

Sunday we wrapped up the poll, here’s the results.

Poll Results                           SS      Patreon     Totals

  • Waitress at the Tavern     0            119       119 (54%)
  • Dancing                           3              41       44   (20%)
  • Cleaning the Pot              5              20       25   (11%)
  • Caring for Young             1              17       18   (8%)
  • Picking up Sticks              0              15       15   (7%)

Thank You to everyone that Voted.  We’re very excited to work on the Tavern and Waitressing Questline.  Aldrukai and Praetorians, be on the lookout, you’ll be the first to give feedback on the Tavern’s concept art.  But please keep in mind, we still have a little more work to complete on the Absolution before returning to the village.  Check out the trello to track our progress https://trello.com/b/2mJLtaTT/lokr-progress.

Thank you for the continued Support. Until next time.  Peace and Stay Strong




This delay seems a bit excessive, I think when I signed up the max wait was just two weeks total, now it's six? And what happened to the talk of a long term supporter Navkatarr thing?


Yes, and they changed that quickly with Peon (Old) Two-weeks after Pilots delayed download. sorry but not with me 6 weeks...


Yeah, same with me, I dont like the heavily increased delay, My excitement for a new build incoming dosnt last for 6 weeks. Even though I'm mostly here to throw a dollar in the tip jar, changes like this leave a bitter taste.


Well, yes, I think you are great for clarifying the situation with confusion around roles. Good update!


What kind of stuff can we expect to see in the Waitress at the Tavern questline? Give me some keywords :D