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During this week we finally started working and implementing some base animations and idles for Nemiri, Nesi and Uylani models and their outfits. Some more spicy CG art is in the way and we also started working on the Waterfall background. Here's the completed files:

- Female front skeleton rigged Nemiri outfit meshes
- Female front skeleton fixed Lizardgirl_Eyes constraint incorrectly set.
- Fixes the animation overseeing the daily operations ("Overseeing" in front female skeleton).

- Shy Idle ~ Nemiri Front View (WIP).

- Leaning on one leg ~ Nesi.

- Hands_Interlocked (supposedly for Inani).

- Idle_Feminine (for Uylani).

- Prepped Kantir Outfit 3/4F (A), Nemiri Side Model, and Nemiri Side Outfit (A&B) for Spine import.
- General clean up of incorrect head positions in the 3/4 front male skeleton.
- Cleaned up the amount of keys in those sex scenes - Renamed and put in a separate folder the armpit scenes
- Prepped Nesi_Model (A&B) & Maid_Outfit (A&B) PSD for Spine Import.
- Imported Nemiri_Model, Nemiri_Outfit (A&B), Nesi_Model (A&B), & Maid_Model (A&B) to Spine
- Made corrections to Draw Order and adjusted region and mesh placement within Slots to maximize current rig setup.

- Nemiri Model ~ 3/4f

- Nemiri - 3/4f Outfit (SIDE A)
- Fixes to Nemiri's model ~ Side View
- Fixes to Nesi's model ~ Side View
- Fixes to Nemiri's model ~ 34/f

- Added torches, a stone, stair logs, and torch lighting to Chieftain's Tent External level.

- Added new female idles into unity and onto characters - Figured out and updated guide to separating parts for character draw order between unity and spine - Added the interface to setup CG scenes in unity and trigger them.

Completed many writing texts (Lore, Enemy description and more) in regards to NPC/Enemy types such as:
Desert Bandit, Horakhten_Sword_Dancer, Praetorian_Guard, Sultari_Auxiliary, Sultari_Centurion, Sultari_Fulgittarius, Sultari_Legionary, Sultari_Magus, Sultari_Sagittarius, Sultari_Veteran_Legionary.




Lookin good! Hope all is well on your end. I forgot to mention before, but in the current available build, eating cooked food decreases your health until it reaches -6. No way to increase it. Or is that something wrong that I'm doing?