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Windows - https://thetribedevs.com/UpdaterBuilds/1/windows/Launcher.zip
Mac - https://thetribedevs.com/UpdaterBuilds/1/mac/Launcher.tar
Linux - https://thetribedevs.com/UpdaterBuilds/1/linux/Launcher.tar

This is it, the update to end updates, well sort of. This new application is the updater for the launcher which will automatically update the launcher files in the directory that you open it. 

It is optimal to hide the updater in a folder and create a shortcut and place that around your computer to access the launcher. 

This is a huge step forward in being able to provide a full single experience for everyone and also providing the platform for giving rewards and privileges to our patrons. 

There are also some additional changes in this build,

  • Direct hyperlinks to the Patreon blog posts from the launcher
  • Low music volume option added
  • Terms of conditions confirm box
  • Other small bug fixes
  • Added Mac and Linux builds

Edit: To clarify this only an update to the launcher, the game will be getting a patch very very soon.



(Username is a joke, I’m not the real bill kurtis) I’ve been following this project for almost a year, I started in late September or early October 2019 and I just to say how much I love this. First of all: it’s the reason I’m a furry. secondly: I’ve just loved seeing how the project has grown in the past year. I know most of the big things have been happening recently but it really has grown a lot since October 2019. I really wish I could afford to support you all on patreon but I just can’t and I’m sorry. Please never give up on this project like I’ve seen happen many times before. Much love to you all ❤️.


Thank you Not Real Bill Kurtis for the words of encouragement :) We always appreciate hearing positive things about the project and we hope to continue blowing you away with content. We understand any struggles and are happy to have you as a community member.


so this isnt new content just a launcher update? when can we expect a new content update


Tonight or tomorrow, I am awaiting for the builds to finish so I can add them to the launcher :)


Really interested to check this later tonight! A launcher is such a good idea in terms of delivery etc.


Anyone else having issues? For me, running the updater doesn't seem to do anything. Shows up in task manager using 4 MB of RAM and just... sits there, doing nothing.


Another user reported this on discord. We are looking into it and we'll update on discord if anything arises. Sorry for the inconveniences and you can always directly download the game from the posts!


uh... I hope for no more launchers, either way, YAY! New update! Happy to check it out, continue your great work everyone!


Hello Snelk, are you still hitting this issue? Please contact us at, lok.thetribe@gmail.com