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Hi there,

As I imagine most of you will have received an email from Patreon today, and I know perfectly well how fancy wording is the recipe for misunderstandings, let me explain to you what that message actually means in one short sentence...:

Patreon is transferring payment handling fees from us creators, to you patrons.

Is that good for us...? Absolutely!

Until now, we received about an 87-89% of your pledges, because those payment platforms fees were charged to us.

From now on, we will receive a fixed 95% of your pledges and Patreon will get their 5% commission as always.

However, I will admit this policy is... weird to say the least. It's like if you went to an online shop, bought something and then you were charged an additional fee just because you're paying with PayPal.

Those fees are almost invariably supported by merchants just because they want to offer an additional payment method to their customers. But in this case you guys will be the ones paying for our costs (we are the "merchant" here).

So what this means is that you're giving us more money now.

Of course you are the masters of your lives and could decide to stop pledging to our project. This was always based on goodwill and that won't change because of this new policy. If you feel we don't deserve your support, then we don't.

However, if you're just feeling mad at Patreon for their decision... well, at least know this is good for us. ;-P

Thanks for reading!



Thanks for the explaination on here, apriciate the honesty and openess to this change. I am wondering however how much we're going to pay more? Are we paying 5-15% more because of this change? anyways, Continuing the support so from me and likely many others, Keep up the good work and hope this benefit will help YOU with making this game the best you can :) !


It will be 2.9%+0.35 cents, so as the higher it is the pledge, the less impact will have. It will be like this...: $1 -> 1.38 $5 -> 5.50 $10 -> 10.64 $25 -> 26.08


Well there goes a lot of support to a lot of creators, now trying to support a lot of creators in little ways because of budgetary concerns will disappear since it is economically not feasible. It is obvious Patreon is burning itself to the ground. Now think on this fact, they cracked down a lot on public versions for some creators, control the content within games, forced many to hide everything behind a paywall. NOW you need to pay the fees and so if you are one of the people pledging $1 to a lot of projects to show support and see uncensored posts and in a lot of cases test the game out you now are getting extremely overcharged. I myself pledge to about 11 projects at the moment, many are $1 pledges to show a little support even if I don't get newest versions. My extra shows of support would now cost an additional 3.85 before even calculating in the 2.9% for every pledge. People like me will just stop supporting in bulk and creators will lose horribly in the end.


Yeah, I'm afraid "multi-$1" patrons will be hit pretty hard by this, because of that minimum 35 cents charge. And I also (passionately) agree with you about the laughable censoring crusade they've embarked on. Pages like Mr. Dots' Dating My Daughter are a disgrace to see after their "sanitization". We should never have reached that point, geez... However, the actual evil masterminds behind all that are the payment platforms like PayPal, Stripe, credit card operators, etc. They make their own rules and forced them down the throat of everyone else, Patreon included.


Could you not adjust the prices to make it so that it doesn't effect supporters so badly? Because that would be a way no?


I've tentatively tried to modify $1 to $0.65 and got this...: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/t9KUew6.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/t9KUew6.png</a>


Thanks for the info... I had understood wrong and in my mind the creators would receive less...


they are receiving less by the percentages, now instead of 80+% of a $1 pledge they only get 69% of a $1.38 pledge, additionally they will most likely lose previous $1 pledgers in droves, this will basically destroy many creators incomes, small creators losing mostly everything and large creators likely losing thousands


Hey guys I wanted to let you know Patreon is doing another witch hunt run, 3 more creators I specifically know of got there pages suspended. I know how passionate you are about it and wanted to spread the word Saddoggames, GDS, and Luxee all got eliminated for the time being.


I'm not familiar with those projects, although I can imagine they must have written just one word Patreon didn't like in their public posts... :-P Man, this is SO stupid...! And here I was thinking they could have relaxed for this year... I may very well need to revisit the WordPress server idea after all.


How does this affect those paying with a credit card?


Mmm, I don't know if that's even a special case. I guess they'll apply the same fees.

Icarus Media

<a href="https://www.makersupport.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.makersupport.com/</a> OR <a href="https://hatreon.net/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://hatreon.net/</a> If this gets worse you may want to know about alternatives. I believe if there is an issue or one on the horizon doing something rather than talking is the better option. Hence I'm making you aware of the alternatives. Free market = Free choice in whom you contract business with. :-)

Kravenar Games

Maybe they will have a step back, let’s see what will happen.