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Thank you so much for making this project possible!  We're all very excited to build you a truly interactive VR experience!  Since we reached this milestone, we decided to re-evaluate our future goals.  Our past $1,000 goal was to buy an Oculus Rift, but after receiving such positive support from the community, we went ahead and purchased a CV1 and Oculus Touch so everyone can play.  We are truly passionate about this project, and we're very excited for you to see how this project evolves!  This is just the beginning, thanks everyone!

VReleased Team




Iam thinking about to be your Patreon, how far is your Project, its only possible to wield the Whip or is there more? And do you want to stay in this Graphic Style or will be there an update?


In our current downloadable build, you can only use the whip right now. We're working hard on our next toy/experience. We'll be introducing the vibrator as the next sex-toy for you to use. As for the graphics, our art-style will be staying the same (anime/toon shading) for the near future, but we are still actively experimenting with the overall look of the in-game room.


Whoever says that it works perfectly with the oculus touch is wrong. There are no button mappings for the oculus touch so you can't do anything other than standing in a room with the girl.


Hey Jamie, We just tested the game with our new Oculus Rift & Touch, and there should be two button mappings on the Oculus Touch. You should be able to teleport by pressing the Joystick in and pointing the remote at the ground. The other keybind is to pick up objects like the whip, which can be done by pressing the Touch's bottom trigger. Also make sure that OculusVR AND SteamVR are running and properly set up before running Nympho-Trainer. If the button mappings still don't work after this please let us know!