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Hey everyone! We just finished making our first prototype! This early build will showcase our vision for the whipping segment. This is only a small piece of what we have in store for our finished product. Since this is such an early prototype, we really need your input in order to add to and improve the experience! Most of the animations and sounds you will see are NOT final. The audio will be much more in sync with the animations in the final version. We got a voice actor for this prototype, she liked what we are working on a lot and agreed to help us with many more original tracks for our end product. We don’t have the mesh deformation in this build yet, and her boobs react to your whip force but will not interact with your hand or remote interactions directly (although you will be able to soon!). You can download it by following the link (If you have any problems, contact us and we'll make sure you get a working build!). Thanks for your continued support, and we’re really excited to see what you guys think!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Ie48KozztPVTg1Z2tuMlh5UUU/view

ZIP PASSWORD: slapdatass





You should be able to click on the link that's next to the title, but if you don't see it we added a link at the bottom of the post as well =D.


I'm really liking this so far and can't wait to see your future updates. :) For now though, I can't really think of any improvements that haven't already been mentioned. Keep up the good work. :)