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What a blast from the past! You mentioned once or twice you would rework your older comics because of a combination of growth of your artistic talents and your superior hard work which I gladly helped to finance since the results are speaking for themselves for months and this work is just another shining example on a mountain of evidence. But I kinda imaged It would be far further away since you are busy with many projects right now like multiple planned main comics, the Lexi and Lee side stories and all the other stuff, so seeing this rework that early and to celebrate the first anniversary of Hannah and you entering the artist path, is a huge and very welcome surprise! Anyway, I obviously read the story alongside the original which is posted on ehentai only. The difference is just staggering, and it is not like the old one was bad at all, quite the opposite in fact since it was one of the biggest eye openers for me that your work is something special. The two biggest changes are obviously the lightning and Hannah’s vastly improved model and same story as before, old Hannah was smoking hot too already but kept improving a fantastic work further and further. I remember how you talked about problems with the former and since I have no clue as simple supporter, my advice was pretty much useless (ask for tips from more experienced artists, truly a genius take from me 😅) and while I do not know or forgot how you solved it, I nowadays take the amazing lighting for granted instead of appreciating that particular improvement more. And of course, there is Hannah herself. Dozens of amazing buff and non-buff ladies but Hannah is still your finest creation. It might be heresy, but I had some issues back then, the main one that she was very top heavy because her arms were huge and swollen all the time and not only when pumped and flexed, especially your art before the patreon launch suffered from it, so you had to reel them in further and further until they reached their current perfect and yet still massive size. Another one was her ass which is on its own huge and rock hard looking but Hannah is incredible stacked, to the point I often had the feeling you are clearly a boobs man but luckily Hannah received her needed upgrade down there and at the same time you tweaked her lovely breasts but also her strong pecs behind them too. Then there is of course her face and hair. This particular comic had never a shortage of close-up shoots of Hannah, so it was really easy to notice the massive improvements there too like the less pronounced jaw and … I suck at playing “Where is Waldo?” So all I know she looks a lot more feminine and beautiful while still maintaining a strong and sculpted appearance even if you ignore what is below her head … which is impossible for a weak willed person like me. 😅 Then there are adjusted poses. From “small” things like the more pronounced height difference in page 10 in which Hannah used to be not even a full head taller than Rick while in the new version Rick barely reaches her chin and Hannah’s is not even standing fully straight in either comic. There are also corrections of somewhat unnatural poses like in page 14 of the old comic and 13 in the remake because while Hannah might be a goddess, I do not think stretching powers are included looking at the way how her head had to twist to look directly at Rick. Or really noticeable ones liking changing Hannah’s gaze from looking at Rick’s face down to his crotch while she talked about his member. Since I mentioned Rick, it appears you improved him too … but I am here for the women, so I never paid much attention to him or the other guys. Looking at page 2 of both comics, face, model and again even the poses are all updated and everything looks so much more natural now. But not only did you overhauled the art, the actual text, the placement and content of description boxes and speech and thoughts bubbles and even cutting out an unnecessary page like 11 by utilizing the former, to improve the flow of the story nicely. The final and obviously most changed thing of them all is the expanded … can I even call this blow job scene? It is not like anyone else would have lasted longer than Rick here but even then, calling it a blowjob would seriously undersell the sheer sex appeal of Hannah by just being her which made Rick cum twice. Back then, I did not talk much about the actual comic itself so I will try to make up for it and mention my favourite pages this time. Starting with page 7, the first time in either comic in which we get our first close-up shoot of Hannah, ignoring the header image in page 1 of both comics. The perfect mix of unmatched beauty, sexiness and huge and ripped muscles creating a goddess … only for her to act like a normal human being. Rick just staring with an open mouth in the following page is only a natural reaction to that incredible view and experience in general. Page 12 gets mentioned just for her damn smile alone. “Warm up”, what an insane statement only to find the most confident smile you can possibly find on her face instead of madness or someone lying. The Pages 14 and 15 create an amazing pair, showing us the same scene from two quite different perspectives. The herculean task is completed and in the most casual way to boot! And once again, Hannah just oozes confidence and sexiness no matter what she does while Rick has the most natural reaction here too. Him not even realising how insanely Hannah impressed him while his body speaks a very different tone is quite hilarious too. Another nice addition from the original, is adding Hannah’s amazing backside to page 15. Every part of her deserves attention and recognition and more Hannah is always a good thing anyway. Page 17 adds a cute undertone to a previously mostly sexy comic with Hannah’s thoughts being revealed while gently stroking his hair after she caused a “small” accident there. Of course, the whole Rick being allowed to feel Hannah’s muscles pages are amazing as a whole but page 20 takes the cake despite the fact I like the biceps and arms in general the most. I know she is wearing pants and neither is thinking of what I imply at the moment, but this scene really foreshadows a possible far future moment here with his dick being so close to the most amazing ass on their planet. (Victoria might bigger but size isn’t everything 😛) Page 25 really shows off the sheer surrealness of an amazon like Hannah. Lifting an adult man with a single arm while smouldering the latter with watermelon sized tits. If I could pick the way how to die, suffocation by breasts seems like an amazing way to go. Also, I like the contrast to page 23 because while he might in a blissful state caused by the overall situation, I bet getting grabbed by the throat like that must be awful unlike the tit heaven in page 25 but since the former turned into the latter scene, that possible pain must be more than worth it for Rick. Page 26 made both Hannah and me smile. Rick might be mentally gone but Hannah fixed the situation on her own now and lifting an adult man to the point his dick can be comfortable sucked by Hannah is another amazing amazon like moment for Hannah. What a view in page 29 and makes me jealous as fuck of Rick. Only in one’s wildest dreams you would end up going from a regular gym seasons to be pleased by the most amazing goddess of a woman one could ever image and yet it happened to Rick here. Lucky bastard. In the meantime, Hannah’s thoughts really round up the whole comic perfectly up and sets up the second comic at the same time. An amazing rework for an amazing anniversary and to think this might not even be the last post for this week, I get even more hyped only!