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One year ago, on the 2nd of July 2020 I uploaded my first ever image here: https://www.deviantart.com/robolord123/art/Hannah-847461989

My goal was simple.. I was tired of searching endless pages of the internet for 3d muscular girl art that did not involve cruelty or violence.. 2d did not interest me, it's to far from reality.

As so many I started with skyrim modding.. actually my blonde muscular character there was called Hannah as well! But I wanted to create my own stuff! Stuff that is not about the endless domination or just feats of strength! Something more to the characters!

I hope.. or at least I feel.. I have achieved a little of that.. there is so much more I want to make.. so many more ideas lined up..

Hannah has somehow become.. part of me I suppose..? Now don't get me wrong! It's not that I spend all my waking time making or thinking about my content! I have a job and a life outside of this of course! But still.. Hannah has had some impact on my life no matter if I try to deny it!

Now.. I understand that the second image is just a very simple pin-up.. but it does mean something to me.. it means that a circle has been completed.. one year.. thousands of images.. eventually returning to the one that started it all.. kinda makes sense right?

Let's hope for many years more!

And from the bottom of my heart.. thank you for your support! Whether you're here for the futa or for Lexi or for Hannah, just thank you all so much! I have known succes that only few would dare to dream about!


PS: The weekly set will be posted Sunday!




Hey, July 4th is MY birthday and this feels like a huge present! MANY congratulations on one year of making fantastic art. Keep learning and improving. Keep finding great storylines for comics. Keep letting your imagination guide your hands into creating fantastic amazons and superwomen. I've been a subscriber for all of one month and I can promise you I'll be one as long as you're around. Again, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!


Wow, congrats! I've been a huge fan of your work since the first Hannah comic, and hope for many more years to come.


Thanks! I will definitely try my very best to keep improving! That's a promise! And happy birthday already!


Congrats and cheers! Always been a big fan and looking forward to the future!


Congratulations Robolord! Amazing how fast this year went pass because I still remember fondly how I used to visit deviantart once per day, sort by new, scroll past by false search results (seriously, I typed in muscle woman so why the fuck did I had to look at fat women and buff men art then) until one day I saw your first works. (Also unrelated but deviantart somehow managed to make their search algorithm even worse with the site rework) I admit I was not captured immediately because your first two Hannah’s were not buff enough for me and the next half dozens of renders were only regular curvy ladies of which there is no shortage on the internet and many artists make them far better too, but nobody is born a master and nowadays not only your muscle girls but also your regular women are the art style I enjoy the most on the web and always try to praise them even if I mostly talk about the buff main stars. Anyway, the first render which really grabbed my interest was this one: https://www.deviantart.com/robolord123/art/Group-strength-848074824 My first comment on your works even if they were a bit shorter back then. 😛 And you kept pumping out more and more works, added descriptions about the back then mysterious blonde called Hannah which raised my attention further and further, the quality of your models improving constantly and it was nice that you talked back to me and others, even adjusting things if feedback was valid. Sometime later and your first comic was released and I loved it. I had the same problem as you of many artists specializing in certain muscle woman niches, niches which I did not enjoyed either like often portraying muscle women as cruel and violent, always extremely dominating and so on but Hannah was different. She was clearly in control of the situation but in a more normal and rational way. Afterall, she is a +2,1 meter ripped and massive amazon which means being confident and slightly leaning on the dom side of personality scale is just natural, but I know plenty of other artists which would have turned such a sexy comic into a torture or even gore mockery. But you are not like most others and this is why I enjoy your works much. Another thing about myself is that I used to be a lurker and even had no qualms to look at pay walled works in image rehosting sites, but you kept amaze me, one upping yourself all the damn time and for the first time, I actually asked if there was a way to support you but you answered that would you need many weeks to do that which puzzled me back in the days. But holy shit, what an amazing patreon page did I had the pleasure to visit when the anticipated day arrived! It was like being a little child in a candy or toy shop. It might be fetish art and stories at its core or at least it was back then because nowadays your stories clearly outgrew those humble beginnings, but your patreon oozed with a professional aura and approach even then. Before seeing all that high quality, I only wanted to support you for 1-2 months fully, partly to “abuse” your extremely cheap commission prices and then go back to the lowest tier or even stop altogether since I am a frugal bastard but the absurd combo of quality and quantity of your already posted works but also the fact you went full steam ahead creating new and amazing stuff while covering more and more areas of the muscle woman niche instead of taking a break, immediately convinced me to scrap my plans and keep supporting you. Enough rambling now. Both you as artist but also the way how you set up the art and story writing process are just extraordinary and the fact it all happened in a single year is just mindboggling. If this is just the beginning of your career, I cannot even describe how excited I am for the following years!