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Bro if 'In The Soop' is like this like you guys say then fuaaar am I excited for that! I love how fisherman Jake is basically just leading Sunghoon and Niki through how to fish in the most australian way with the good old tactic of "yeah mate figure it out yaself" and I love that Sunghoon only knows how to catch rocks <3 Hope he released the rocks soon after <3

Enjoy this one y'all! See you next week!

~ Lok




i missed this bcs of my lazy self sleeping ahahah but i just love this and next episode you bout to leave the room bcs i stopped 3 times with watching it bcs of a headache hahaha love these boys they my number 1 for a reason


I just love this style of content from groups :)


AHAHAHAH keen to see it with you Montana! Thanks always for watching man ❤️💯


loved watching this on the livestream with you haha!! enha reactions are always super fun :) can't wait for the next one!


If you like this I think you’re gonna LOVE BTS &amp; SVT in the soop if/when you watch them :) it’s definitely my fav content from all 3 groups!


Can't wait and I definitely will be when we get there for sure Laken! Thanks so much my friend!


Let's gooo Soel! Always a vibe with you there man &lt;3 Enha videos are definitely some of my favourites and this content is just preeeeemium