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Hey guys! So I've decided to do One Piece solo for the moment as I REALLY want to catch up and would love to factor it in more to my regular watch throughs, so I'm just curious about whether or not you guys would like to do fillers going forward.

Personally, I enjoy the filler arcs (meaning I can sit through them and enjoy them), but I'm deeply invested in the story enough at this point that I think I really want to progress further story wise.

So let me know down below what you personally would prefer (of course it's not like I have to do what the poll's results are), but I'm definitely curious. I was thinking even if we do wind up skipping fillers, we could always go back to them once we catch up because I will need some HEAVY copium between episodes...

Let me know below, and expect some more regular One Piece content! Love ya!



If fillers are gonna be skipped, there are still a couple of movies that are definitely must watch, especially those written/directed by oda himself. In a sense those movies are semi-canon anyway so 🙏


Yeah nah this isn't about movies at all bro - never said movies were going anywhere <3 they'll still be done!


Skip filler I'd say but watch the g8 filler as it's considered the best filler in the series. It fits perfectly and you wouldn't even know it's filler without a guide. (Ep 196- 206).


the filler episodes are okay, but i'd recommend skipping them to get further in the story. the story gets better and better


Oh yeah I can definitely tell that much so far hahah - maybe they'll be good copium later


Cheers! Thankfully I have a guide and the site I use auto greys out fillers, but I'll consider checking these ones out! Thanks Abdul!