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I don't know much about the mini Vegapunks, but #5 made an awesome food machine and that makes her okay in my book!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece



Brother E

Luffy entered the world of Futurama, maybe he'll meet Bender soon 😂 In seriousness, things are picking up because we have multiple Vegapunks. We got 1,2 and 5 so far. VP 1 is the good guy looks like Daft Punk, VP 2 is the Evil girl, and VP 5 is the tall girl who looks like Astro Boy. Lastly we got Bonney mentioning her father turned into a cyborg, we already know someone in the story who is a cyborg. Episode 1093 is going to be insane!