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Damn, who would've ever imagined a 3:15 coffee break could go so desperately off the rails?!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/



J Johnson

There's a quote from the Joker from one of the more famous Batman comics. “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.” Sums up what happened to this guy pretty well.

Phillip Ribbink

$20 Million is a lot of money. No wonder he's pissed. Plus it's clearly his life's work that went down the drain. Imagine if he'd put that kind of energy and planning in those seven years into rebuilding his company. He might've come back bigger and more successful than ever.


never underestimate the power of an accountant lol, honestly though, there has to be something in Gotham's water supply, I mean, after losing his company this regular old man decides to scribble clock hands on his glasses and fist fight Batman, and nearly wins! I get he had 7 years to prepare, but still, it's Batman in his prime.


I love how Batman is just being chauffeured around by Alfred in the middle of the day all over Gotham...hope he's got that mirror tint going on :)