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Another bizarre and funny episode, but the thought of what Billy just endured is a disturbance that's tough to forget!



Henchman Twenty1

Reserve your judgement for now on the Billy/Hatred thing. It's revealed later what actually happened, but not until near the end of this season. I'm guessing you caught this, but it's heavily implied from the flashback that Red Mantle and Dragoon are actually Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper. So they didn't really die in that plane crash (sorry, Don McLean) but got recruited into The Guild. Back in season 2 when Phantom Limb was trying to sell a stolen painting to some mafioso guy he told Dr. Girlfriend that he wasn't about to go back to "a diet of Ramon Noodles and Spaghetti O's, riding around in a Honda Accord with a ghost painted on the hood". And now we actually got to see that car in this episode. This show is so great with the call backs! One last thing here. Doc Hammer, one of the show's creators, said he modeled the voice of Red Mantle after a drunk Alec Guinness. Dragoon, who is voiced by the other creator, Christopher McCulloch, is modeled after the character Dragon from the Clint Eastwood movie "The Eiger Sanction".


“I already know that you used to be a pedestrian” is one of my favorite lines in the series

Will Fly

“If You Want My Body” is Rod Stewart, not David Bowie. Also, Phantom Limb called him “the thin white douche” because Bowie was known as The Thin White Duke”. And don’t worry…Hatred didn’t actually rape Billy.