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Bossa Nova brought an interesting dynamic - and some intriguing questions - to this story and how things might end up!




Tragically, no, there is not another season... The last time I got rick-rolled for real, it was to a very convincing site claiming a season 2 was in the works. ^^' The next episode is actually my favorite episode in the show. Looking forward to your reaction to it!

Raven Yhelka

These episodes were some of the funniest things I saw when I first watched this show back in the day when Kasanoda broke Tamaki when he told him he wasn't Haruhi's father. I'm holding out hope for a remake one day, that actually tells the whole story.I 'm so sad to realize there's only three episodes left


That's too bad. I would really enjoy seeing more of these characters!... Very interesting on the next episode. Now I'm extra hyped!


Completely agree! When I pulled up the site to watch these and saw there would only be 3 left, I was bummed!