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It was only a matter of time until Barbara donned the feminine cape and cowl!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/



Joel Miller

Ayy. We made it to see Bab’s debut.


I like how they introduced Batgirl into this, letting us get to know Barbara first in some episodes a while ago, and then finally letting her return as Batgirl, it's also nice seeing how loyal Bullock is to Gordan, he's a good guy, just... a bit pigheaded about Batman. I honestly have no idea what's going on with Amazon's episode numbers, the episodes themselves are definitely in the right order, but we're still only in season 1. This is episode 57 of season 1, season 1 is 65 episodes, and the entire series is 109 episodes, so we're a little over halfway through. my guess is they wanted to "modernise" the seasons into 28 episode blocks. I'd suggest being a bit careful, because I could definitely see Amazon being kind of stupid and stopping at episode 85, the end of season 2, because season 3 and 4 is when they rebranded the show "The New Batman Adventures" because of network things, I'll send you a reminder when we get closer to that point, because I'll need to let you know about some specials around that time anyway.


When we started this, I went through and counted up the total number of episodes Amazon has, and it coincided with the totality of both shows. 😊