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Gray certainly didn't off Frosch - how could anyone, with his cuteness?! - so things seem to be looking up!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




I don't think it was an actual Battle God he defeated, but just a construct of Arlock's magic. All the same, Natsu one hit quit that massive behemoth with little effort! I don't think its ever explained on why Gray kills Frosch in the alternate timeline; as in this timeline we have to factor in F. Rogue's involvement thus the unreliable variables are limitless. Not even sure if the show/manga dive into what leads to the event either. All the same, F. Rogue and F. Lucy can now rest in peace.

Lewd Angel

Considering we have several people in the series who wield magic that can only be obtained by slaying a god, i'd say it's pretty safe to say he did in fact take down the actual battle god, besides theres apparently 18 of them anyway