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Hope you liked my favorite song in the show so far. And yeah, this is a really hard episode to get through.


Just got home from work and I get to watch the episode 4 reaction before I go to bed. Best way to end the day Edit: didn’t think it was possible for Elijah to despise someone more than Kikimora.


Oh shit I'm excited for this, but also so fucking worried and anxious 😭 Good ass episode, but also painful...


Nothing could have prepared us for how painful Angel's abuse would be to watch


This ones gonna be rough!

Chris P3

Are you okay?




Since his boyfriend is a flipping TV, you'd think Valentino would have more secure electrical maintenance.


This episode should have been named "Pure emotional damage".


Fun Fact: most of the guns Angel uses are actually from the time period he died in. He’s seen with two M1928 Thompsons, which were not just used by gangsters, but also British Commonwealth forces in WWII as well. He’s also seen with a German MP40 and MP41; one has a folding stock, the other a wooden stock. The last two guns look like AR15s, which were introduced after Angel had died, but since they’ve been around since the 1960s, they’re probably well known in hell.

Chris P3

I think this episode and that duet officially sold me on the Huskerdust ship. Also, Angel forgiving Charlie actually did make me tear up a little bit.


I honestly have always shipped huskerdust ever since the pilot I got vibes from them and honestly I even if they only end up being good friends at least Angel will finally have someone to talk to who knows the real him but I really do wanna see them get together that would be so cuuuute


A lot of people were surprised at how good a singer Keith David is, and I can only assume they haven't seen The Princess and the Frog. And naturally, there were a bunch of accusations that the song was glorifying abuse from people with no listening comprehension. Seeing the fans rally against that was beautiful.

Liam Gradders

I mean, Kikimora was just a little spoiled brat licking boots for power. Valentino is way more disgusting and vile. Probably the only soul not worthy of redemption.

Adam Grunther

I cannot overstate just how much I loved this episode. Keith David and Blake Roman were absolutely incredible. This episode deserves all the awards. It was genuinely amazing. If it doesn’t win an Emmy, a BAFTA, an Annie or SOMETHING, I will be so annoyed because it is a genuine masterpiece in tv. The songs were easily my favorite so far. I’m going to listen to the song Loser, Baby on loop so much. Angel Dust and Husk were characters I liked fine enough when I started the show, but now they have skyrocketed to two of my favorites. I am officially a HuskerDust shipper! Also on a side note, fuck Valentino. I hope he gets such a gruesome death later on in the show.


Thanks for the trigger warning. I'd imagine a lot of people need it.

Kayleigh McRae

The series has a warning but it's hard to see in the upper left corner on Amazon. And it's used as an overall warning for the series. I agree they should have a proper warning close to the title card.


I wish a psychologist would study this episode because of how Angel dust reacts to the people around him directly after the SA. It’s very much how a lot of A survivors act around other people after something happens. I know I did.


Besides the episode i just want to thank you for how much joy ur reactions give me and I am so glad that u exist


Watching this is ep was painful enough but having to edit this for YouTube is gonna take willpower. Please take all the time you need


Ever since this episode HuskerDust is my second favorite ship, with Chaggie being my number one favorite.


after this episode i ship them so much lol i mean i kind of did in the pilot but now im all in on that lol


Viv knows us well. She knew we would need cuteness paired with pain I was a Radiodust fan, even though I knew it would never happen. Now I'm drawing fanart of Huskerdust

Anais Winter

I was so broken down during the episode.....I got a bit blind sided and gave my friend a scare when I started to cry like hell. I am glad they ended it on a sweet note.

Anais Winter

But nonetheless......I want a slow painful death for Valentino.

Anais Winter

I didnt see it either and I got hit by a train. I expected pain but that gave me a horrible flashback. Thankful for Husk and Angel´s song at the end. I NEEDED that.

Ryan Porter

Oh, don't worry, Mosco didn't call you out about being too nice in her reaction. She mentioned ... something else. "I wanna see full change Charlie!" I'm sure you'll get your wish before the end of the season, but at what cost? I'm also surprised this episode didn't come with a trigger warning when "Addict" did, and what was depicted here was objectively worse. Or the way Helluva Boss has a warning before every episode (maybe because it's on YouTube)? All I noticed is that it had a higher rating on Amazing; the first three episodes were 16+, this was 18+. I've been telling my family about Hazbin Hotel. My parents watched it all last night. My sister asked if it would be appropriate for my niece, who turns six next month. I've never said "fuck no" more emphatically in my life.

Tammy Ragsdale

Love the way this episode ends. I've been pulling for Huskerdust all along, but the last part of this episode kind of sealed the deal for me. Loser, Baby is my favorite song so far and the best parts for me were the visual of Husker holding out the umbrella to protect Angel from the guy throwing up and the line, Baby that's fine by me.


You miss Mosco, you poor baby (that's actually what I said when you mentioned that)


You should listen to “thank you and goodnight” by black gryph0n apparently it’s supposed to be sung by the cast of hazbin hotels pilot cast that got replaced


I cried soooo much from this then a switch to happiness in the end. Angel is our baby and he needs soo mucn support. Husk is so good for him, that song tho 🥹🥰


Hmm. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Angel's in a similar (albeit more binding) situation like Fizzarolli?


Powerful episode! For real, Valentino's death better be the most painful and viscerally graphic thing in the show. Hoping that Charlie kills him in like the scariest, most threatening kick-ass demon form. Fingers crossed.


Well yes, but in Angel's case I think it's a lot more serious with a lot more physical and mental abuse which makes the situation so much more fxcked up than with Fizz

Rhys Elliott

As someone who has only today joined the pateron, no hearing the classic intro music is spooky. It's so quiet.

Matthew Dunne

The version I saw had a statement take up the full screen before the opening credits. I wonder if it's just different in the UK and Ireland.

Matthew Dunne

I get an impression that at least part of why being called fake would be a trigger for Angel is because of what his human life was like. It always seemed to me like a lot of the way he's been in Hell would be a reaction to any kind of repression he had to deal with back when he was alive.


I'm 100% not against the ship, but honestly I would just be happy that Angel has a friend with a similar problem, the whole soul being owned by someone else who uses you, that expects nothing out of him that he can confide too. So romantic or platonic I am 100% on board.


They are my favorite ship (other than chaggie of course), the way Husk just wants Angel to be himself is something I think Angel really needs. Also I read somewhere that Husk likes Angel but he loves Anthony and I cried so hard when I red that, because it soo true!!!! Also on Amazon Prime, when you go to watch the episode, they have a warning that this episode contains scenes of SA and it is rated 18+ instead of 16+, just so yall know.